- Something About Us -

17 1 0

A/N: Okay, so I ended up writing this a little after writing task 4, and it of course takes place right after the events of that entry, before Ajax and Xander's deaths. (Ironically the two of them ended up getting eliminated together) But anyway, it's based of the Daft Punk song above, and while Ajax and Xander were never cannonly going to be in a relationship, ChessZ and I shipped them. 


 A soft steady rhythm echoes in his ears, beating at a calm regular pace. Ajax feels warm all over, a pleasant numbness over his limbs. Smiling softly, he attempts to curl up more, though he's brought to a sudden halt as a jolt of pain flares through his back. The pleasant peace is shattered and Ajax can feel the fog over his mind starting to lift as his sleep wears off.

He becomes dimly aware of being swayed somewhat, as if being carried by someone. The more he focuses on the feeling, the more he becomes aware of the gentle arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly against them in an almost protective way. Ajax's expression twitches into a scowl somewhat, and he groggily attempts to blink his eyes open to find the person's identity.

"Nng..." A disgruntled sound escapes his lips subconsciously, but he instantly winces as it sends a flare of pain through his throat.

He feels the person immediately stop at the sound. As Ajax finally gets his eyes open, he finds he still can't see much. His nose is pressed against the person's chest, just below their collar bone, while the rest of his body is curled up against them like he's a child. Frowning muddledly, Ajax tilts his head up with much difficulty, finding a familiar set of concerned grey eyes gazing down at him.

Ajax blinks in surprise as he recognises him; Xander Mercier. For some reason though, the first thing he feels upon this realization isn't confusion, rather it's just relief. He can't seem to quite recall what lead them to this situation, but he felt glad he was in it with Xander.

"Wh..." He starts to croak a question, but grimaces and shuts his mouth instantly as not only was the sound ugly and broken, but it hurt even to make that small noise. Ajax frowns agitatedly before working his jaw, strained sounds leaving his lips as he attempts to speak again, but it's hoarse and clearly no use.

Xander's lips curl up in a sad but understanding smile. "Hmm, I was afraid of that... Please don't try to speak anymore, or you'll hurt yourself."

Ajax scowls in confusion, and he opens his mouth to protest, only to be met with a Xander's own fierce scowl. The look causes the injured boy to shut his mouth instantly, and for once he actually does as he's told. He's still puzzled as to how they've ended up like this though, and as he brings a hand up to rub his throat, he freezes at what he sees. From his wrist up, his arms are covered in dark bruises, almost black in some areas while others are already starting to turn that ugly yellow color.

His eyes widen slightly and he brings his hand up to his neck, finding it wrapped firmly in layers of gauze. Even the simple tap to it causes him to wince, and everything suddenly comes flooding back to him. He remembers the pod, the vines, and he remembers the agony as they slowly pulled him limb from limb. He finds that both his left knee and his left shoulder are bandaged, sharply bringing back the memory of how each was dislocated.

From the look on his face, Xander can tell he remembers. A pained expression crosses his features as he looks over his companion's injuries again, almost as if he had them instead of Ajax. What the redhead didn't know of is the feelings of guilt Xander still harbors, as he still feels partly responsible for what had happened to the other.

As Ajax looks up to Xander again, he spots his expression just moments before the other boy can hide it, and he raises an eyebrow in a silent inquiry. Xander just sighs. "Okay look, I'm really sorry about what happened to you... The burns on your neck, those are my fault... I... I'm so sorry, Ajax, I..."

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