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It all started last year.

I was just another girl, begging to be accepted, scared beyond relief that I may not be able to find people that will offer me something I've never even had a glimpse of: attention.

The look of worry and elation was clearly etched on Sue's face. She stared at me like I was about to break into pieces, yet held a slight hint of excitement knowing that I was going to start with a clean slate.

"You will be fine, hon. This is nothing you can't handle." she was patting my hair ever so softly, comforting me.

I nodded my head absentmindedly, tugging on the hem of my maroon Redwood Prep uniform with my left hand and gripping my schedule with the other. Sue's words ricocheted from my ear and crashed down onto the shiny concrete floor of the school hallway, unable to get to my head.

They were of no use. I was still a nervous wreck.

Then, the moment I've been dreading finally came. I was escorted to my homeroom by the headmistress herself, smiling warmly at me when she saw me looking.

She was very pretty. Her chocolate brown hair was pulled up into a very neat bun, her hazel eyes were warm and welcoming. She looked very professional and sophisticated in a white top underneath a gray wool blazer with a matching pencil skirt and white pumps. Her name was Mrs. Eva Montgomery, I remembered.

My thoughts drifted back to them and how well they thought this through. Even making the headmistress escort me despite her busy schedule. I wonder how much they payed for this.

"Welcome, Miss Mackenzie. I assure you that you will enjoy your time here in Redwood Prep. The facilities are top-notch, the faculty and staff are very helpful and hospitable, and each and every one of the students here are at their best behaviors. There is nothing to worry about."

I forced myself not to roll my eyes. Let's hope so.

When we reached my homeroom, I couldn't help but fix my pale blonde hair, something I really couldn't care less about, but I felt so conscious back then and it seemed to calm my nerves a little bit.

"Ready?" Mrs. Montgomery asked. I simply nodded, my voice betrayed me.

I gulped. Here goes nothing.

The room revealed plain khaki walls and the usual classroom design. A chalkboard in the front with the teachers desk right at the very center of the room and rows of individual seats - roughly around 20-30 seats - filled the rest of the room.

"Ah, you must be Skye Mackenzie, correct?" the teacher, a man around his early forties, asked me. His accent was thick and Irish.

"Yes, sir." I said in a hushed voice. Everyone was looking right at me, it made me want to squirm, yet the feeling of triumph washed over me. I didn't know what to make of it.

"I'll leave her in your hands, Mr. Gottlieb." the Irish man - my teacher - replied with a very energetic 'Yes, ma'am!'. Mrs. Montgomery turned to me. "Have a pleasant day, Miss Mackenzie." she said, and with that she left.

"Welcome, Miss Mackenzie!" Mr. Gotllieb said, diverting my attention. He turned to the rest of the class. "Everyone, this is Skye Mackenzie. She transferred her from New York and will be with you for the rest of the year. I expect all of you to treat her well. Miss Mackenzie, we're going to skip introductions. You're free to take a seat. Take your time."

I just nodded.

I made my way to the rows at the back - where all the vacant seats were - with a smile on my face and my head held high. The stares still haven't died down, and I liked it. Very, very much.

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