Cabin 11, Nathan

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She tried to sleep,in the thin sleeping bag she'd gotten from Toby. She was lying on the floor in cabin 11, the Greek god Hermes' cabin. She was still skeptic about Toby's story, no not Toby, Tobias. She thought to herself. She couldn't get involved with Tobias, if this god thing was true, they could be siblings. She hoped they weren't, he would be so annoying. She was pretty sure she wasn't a daughter of Apollo though, she didn't have the biggest talent in music or art, well she didn't really have any talent, at all.
Laughter filled the cabin, it was stuffed with 12 years old kids to probably 18 years olds. She saw some kids on her age, 16 year old. Tobias looked around 16 or 17 as well. She didn't care about him, at least she tried to convince herself that she didn't. Suddenly something hit her head.
"Au!" Amy had been staring into the wall, but now she turned around. Just to face a older boy, probably 18. He had dark hair, that reached his shoulders.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He said, and he sounded truly sorry. Not in the sarcastic way as Tobias would have said it in. Stop thinking about him! Amy though stubbornly.
"I'm okay, it-it's okay," she realized she was staring.
"I'm Nathan by the way," he sat down by her side.
"Oh right, I'm Amy," this boy was really cute. He had brown eyes and a jawline you would cut yourself on if you touched it, she really wanted to touch it.
"You don't look like the other kids in here," Amy noticed.
"I take after my mother,for some reason." He said careless.
"Are you the new girl, the girl Toby found?" Nathan asked curious.
"That's what I'm gonna be known as, aren't I? The girl Tobias found." Amy answered annoyed.
"You know no one calls him that, Tobias I mean. It's just Toby, well except some Aphrodite girl who's trying to get his attention." As Nathan said that Amy felt this anger build up inside of her, she tried to calm herself. Nathan noticed her mood change.
"Okay let's not talk about him, join our game," he tried to change the subject, and Amy was glad he did.
"What are you playing?"
"Oh you know just some stupid ball game," Nathan explained badly.
"I think I'll pass, but thanks anyways." Amy yawned.
"See you around Amy, I really hope you not my sister," he flirted.
As Nathan walked away, Amy turned around facing the wall again, so nobody could see her blush.

The next day she met up with Tobias, he was smiling as always.
"Did you sleep much last night?" Was the first thing he asked her, pretty nice, well for him to be.
''No not really, I stayed up pretty late just talking to someone called...Nathan,'' Amy pretended to not remember his name, but she did.
''Nathan, son of Hermes?'' Tobias asked shocked.
''Yeah, of course stupid'' Amy answered.
''You can't talk to him! He've tricked many camp-members before, especially new and naive girls,'' Tobias said, basically calling her dumb.
'' Oh my god! You're unbelievable! You're just jealous I've gotten to know other boys, not just you.'' Amy turned around and started to walk away fast.
''Amy, wait!'' Tobias shouted after her. ''Go ahead, be angry with me, but you have to talk to Chiron.'' He continued.
''Fine! Where can i find him!?!'' Amy wanted to scream as loud as she could, but she controlled herself.
''I'll show you,'' Tobias tried to stop her from running away, but it was too late, Amy had made her decision.
''I'll find him myself!'' Amy shouted at him, then she turned her back on him and ran away, running from her problems as always.

All characters in this chapter belongs to me
Finally i wrote another chapter! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting much lately, I've been really busy with school. I'm back now though!

I've decided to start posting short stories (PJO and HOO). I've posted the first one, its about Caleo, but kinda CaleNO. You should read it :)
Love Hookedonbook / Astrid

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