Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"So you're going to LA. Are you going for a holiday?" Josh asked me.

I bit my lip this time to stop myself from crying instead of laughing. Funny how quick things could change.

I shook my head, "No we're moving to LA. My parents got some big job over there and they're making me move."

I winced, "Sorry that was probably a little bit too much information."

He laughed, "Nah it's all right."

"So were you and your parents on holidays in Australia?" I asked in return.

He chuckled lightly, "Ironically enough, no. They were here for work and I came to basically get a few weeks off school."

I laughed, "I would do that too."

"So do you live in LA?" I continued to question.

"Yep, sure do. Live there, go to school there. Hey if you're moving to LA what school are you going to?" he asked back.

I opened my mouth and closed it frowning. I had no idea what school I would be going to. No idea what the house we were going to live looked like or even what the address was.

I smiled sheepishly, "I'm not sure. I haven't really been speaking to my parents, so I've got no idea."

"Well you never know we might end up at the same school and then you'll know someone," he suggested brightly.

I couldn't help but laugh. I was really starting to like this guy, not to mention he was super good looking. That and his accent was cute.

"What year are you in?" I asked trying to figure out how old he was.

"I'm a Junior at Belmont high school," Josh answered.

I frowned in concentration as I tried to figure out what grade a Junior would be in. In Australia there were only grades and not Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior.

Josh must have realised I didn't really know what that meant.

"So I'm 16," he said trying not to laugh at my ignorance.

"Hey it's not my fault America has weird ways of saying what year they're in," I retorted but smiled nonetheless.

"How old are you?" he inquired.

"Fifteen, which would make me a Sophomore?" I asked hesitantly.

He nodded and I smiled at my calculations. He shook his head and we both laughed.

We talked all the way through take off and the safety demonstration. We played what's your favourite colour, music, movie and anything else game. Two hours into the flight we were still talking and I could safely say I'd made my first American friend. I even began to hope that I did end up at the same school that Josh went to. Maybe it was because I was starting to develop a slight crush on the tall, brown haired, hazel eyed boy sitting next to me.

We eventually decided to watch a movie after the flight attendants brought around lunch. I decided to watch the new adaption of Red Riding Hood while Josh decided to re-watch Hangover 2. Somewhere along the line after the movie I fell asleep.

I was jolted awake as the plane hit a pocket of turbulence some hours later. My eyes flew open as I took in where I was. Still on the plane. Then I slowly took in how I was sitting. After I fell asleep my head somehow came to be resting on Josh's shoulder. I froze in my seat, completely embarrassed. Then when he didn't say anything I realised that he was still asleep. I tried so very carefully to lift my head off his surprisingly comfy shoulder while also trying not to wake him. And well, my plan failed miserably.

"Wha-huh?" Josh groaned, his voice still groggy from sleep.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you up I just -  I was going to. Uuum," I stuttered uncomfortably.

He rubbed his eyes and laughed. My face was undoubtedly burning bright red.

"It's all right. I was leaning my head on yours too, so we're even," Josh reassured me.

I ducked my head to hide my embarrassment, "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

While I was waiting to use the bathroom I calculated that there was only four hours left of the flight. I figured I could fit one more movie in. I was also hoping they would bring around some more food because I was starving. I went to the toilet and then washed the sleep put of my eyes. I made my way back to my seat and sat down.

While in the bathroom I'd made a mental note to not worry about the whole sleeping on his shoulder thing and simply pretended it didn't happen.

"So at your school what is the main sport?" I asked to change the topic.

"Football," he replied simply.

"Do you play?"

"Yeah, I'm the quarter back," Josh told me.

I smiled, slightly amused, "I know pretty much nothing about American football, but I do know that the quarter back is always a really popular person."

Josh shook his head at my words, a smile tugging at his lips, "Maybe that's more of a reason to wish to be at the same school as me."

Shortly after that the flight attendants did bring around a breakfast meal and I never got around to watching another movie. Josh and I just kept talking. I got to really know him in the last few hours of the flight and if it were possible I liked him even more. When the plane landed and we were allowed to leave I really didn't want to.

"Do I get a goodbye hug," I asked sweetly.

He tilted his head thinking, "Nope. You can have a "I'll see you soon" hug."

I laughed but hugged him all the same. As soon as I was in the circle of his well built arms butterflies started to flit around my stomach and my cheeks heated up a little. I eventually had to pull away and sullenly follow my parents to immigration and the luggage pick up area. Whenever I looked around hoping to see Josh and his parents he was nowhere to be seen.

So much for seeing him soon.

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