Chapter 13

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The chapter has Sexual References and under 15's should be strongly cautioned.
P.S. No matter how many times I look at and edit this chapter I still think it's a bit dodgy...

Chapter 13

My head was pounding. I tried to touch the source of my pain but found that my arms didn't seem to be working properly. I let out an involuntary groan as a fresh wave of pain emanated from my the back of my skull. Gingerly, I opened my eyes to find everything blurry. I blinked several times, but it was honestly too dark to tell if it helped. My body shivered which made me realise that I was insanely cold. That was when it sunk in that something was gravely wrong. My breath caught in my throat and my heart pounded hard in my chest.

There was nothing physically wrong with my arms, but they were restrained tightly above my head. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from screaming as panic and bile rose in my throat. Fear bloomed in my chest at my next realisation. I was freezing because I was stripped down to only my bra and underwear. That wasn't the only reason why I was terrified. I was lying on a bed with my hands tied to the headboard. My breathing increased rapidly, almost to the point of hyperventilation. I pulled hard against the rope restraining my wrists, to no avail.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and froze. Carter came into view beside me. My eyes widened in terror and I opened my mouth to scream, but Carter was faster. One of his hands clamped down over my mouth effectively cutting of any cries for help. I reflexively tried to stop him by using my hands, but quickly found that option useless. I struck out with my leg hoping to land a hit, but he just caught my leg with his free hand.

I felt powerless as I recalled what Carter had said to me 'I'm always going to be stronger than you'. I could barely breathe, panic constricted my chest, and tears started to leak out of the corners of my eyes. I was so scared and I knew there was no way of winning against Carter, but if I was going to lose I was sure as hell going to go down fighting.

I bit down hard on the hand that Carter was using to cover my mouth. He immediately let go of my legs and angrily started cursing at me. I went back to trying to yank my hands free, but they were tied too tightly. The only thing I was accomplished was rope burn around my wrists. Carter recovered much quicker than I had hoped and was a heck of lot angrier than before.

I aimed another kick at his head, but he only caught my legs mid-air again. Except this time he pinned them to the bed. Somehow he managed to climb on top of me while keeping my legs still and at the same time he kneed me in the stomach so I didn't have the breath to scream. I was left to watch helplessly while desperately trying to regain some air into my lungs as Carter straddled my thighs. He looked so angry and so damn smug. I couldn't understand why he wanted to hurt me. He'd hated me from the day I'd started his school, even though I'd never done anything to him.

I drew in a shaky breath, "Carter-Carter, please-"

He interrupted me, "Shut up!"

"Carter, Carter wait! I'm sor-" I tried to talk him down, but the look on his face told me he wasn't going to change his mind.

"I said shut up!" he yelled angrily.

I bit down hard on my lip and flinched at the hatred in his voice.

He placed a single hand on the left side of my stomach, "I also don't like being bitten or kicked at!"

The hand on my stomach dug down into my side. I realised too late that Carter had let his werewolf claws extend. I gasped in surprise at the pain.

"And I'm sure you don't like this either," he said as he slowly drew his nails across to the other side of my stomach, making five long claw marks.

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