Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Principal's POV

Running through the school halls at supernatural speed may not always be the safest or most responsible thing to do, especially when your school is for human students and non-human students. But it was an emergency and emergencies in my school always require a prompt response. I quickly glanced down at my watch to see that it was 11:50pm as I followed a pretty beat up Carter through the school halls to the emergency. The emergency that I had feared would occur for years. Jezebel Spencer's impending death.

The moment Carter walked into my office at eleven o'clock I knew that something was wrong. He was roughed up and looked like he'd been in a serious fight. Cut lip, bleeding nose and more than a few bruises. I didn't think it would have been Josh that he'd been fighting, but as soon as I heard the full story I was instantly worried that all my hard work to find the damn girl was going to go to waste. I stopped running when Carter pulled up in front of a door not too far from the where the school dance was taking place.

He turned to me and asked, "How do we know if they really did do it? How do we know she's been awakened?"

The second after he'd asked the question a golden light as bright as the sun shone around the edges of the door threatening to spill out. Immediately afterwards a blast of raw golden power emanated from the room behind the door. The wave of golden power was almost a physical essence. It spread through the hallway and where it touched my skin it felt cool and soothing. It shimmered golden and hung in the air for minutes after the initial wave went by.

Breathlessly I replied, "That's how we know."

The two of us stood outside the door unsure of what to do next. My heart was pounding furiously and not from the maniacal run through the school, but more so for the fact that Jezebel was still alive. The relief I felt was almost overwhelming, but it was an incredibly close call. It came too close to midnight and someone was going to pay for letting it get to this point. She should have been awakened far before Halloween.

I turned back to Carter, "Thank you Mr McCall. You may leave now."

He opened his mouth to object, but he read the stern look on my face and decided to do as he was told. I waited a few moments before I knocked on the door.

"Mr Hutchinson you have two minutes to make yourself decent before I open the door," I instructed.

I could hear movement from behind the door and then suddenly Josh appeared in the doorway. His hair looked a little mussed and he was a little pink in the cheeks. His Halloween costume was a little dishevelled and messy. He avoided eye contact and opened the door for me. I walked quickly to where Jezebel lay on the bed in the middle of the room. She was unconscious, as was to expected due to the change taking place in her body.

Josh spoke from a few paces behind me, "How long will it take for the change to be fully complete?"

I turned around to look at the concerned boy's face, "It depends on the amount of power a witch holds. The more powerful a witch is, the longer it takes. The longest I've heard it to take is three days."

He ran a hand through his hair making it stick up in odd directions.

"What do we do now? Do we take her home? Does someone stay with her?"  Questions nervously tumbled out of his mouth.

"She will be taken home and yes someone will remain at her house so she is not home alone when she wakes. We all know what happens when a witch wakes up after being awakened," I explained as I thought back to a previous experience.

"When they wake up they are really disorientated right?" Josh asked.

I nodded in response.

"Can I stay with her?" He asked with wide eyes.

"No you will return to school. Someone will be appointed to watch her and there's no way to know how long she's going to be out for," I replied sternly.

He instantly looked away from me and nodded his reply. Disappointment and worry were splashed across his face as he looked back to Jezebel.

"She's extremely powerful and we need her. So next time her life depends on it, let's not leave it until the last few minutes before she dies, okay Mr Hutchinson?" I asked unimpressed.

He didn't even flinch. Josh just continued to look at Jezebel's peaceful body as she slept. I took out my phone and started to make arrangements for her to be moved without anyone seeing. I noticed amazed that somehow in the two minutes I had given Josh he had somehow managed to get not only himself dressed, but also Ms Spencer as well.

I shook my head. Teenagers.

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