Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The last few days leading up to the Halloween dance were almost unbearable. I had yet to find a costume and I doubted I'd find one in time. Also, what Courtney had said to me while costume shopping really stuck with me. I wanted to talk to Josh about it but he seemed equally as troubled. When I asked him about it he just brushed it off and said that nothing was wrong. Then he would drift off into deep thought again.

I couldn't stand to be around Courtney because I was worried she would start at me again. Being around Carly wasn't any better because she kept trying to apologise for not defending me from Courtney. I felt like everyone expected something of me, but no one wanted to tell why. Chase tried to cheer me up a couple of times but it was no use.

I tried asking him why Josh was so depressed, but he changed the subject every time I brought it up. I sat with Josh at lunch time and I noticed that Carter was constantly watching both of us. Josh made an honest attempt to make conversation but his heart just wasn't in it. I felt useless because I couldn't help him. Chase and his friend Tyler, who's also on the football team, tried to distract both of us,  but nothing seemed to work.

Three days out from Halloween I couldn't stand it any longer. I waited for Josh outside his History classroom. My music teacher had let us out early so I was waiting for Josh so he didn't go straight to the cafeteria. He seemed surprised to see me waiting for him outside his classroom and I got to see one of his seemingly rare smiles.

I returned it with a small sad smile of my own. He walked over with outstretched arms. I wanted to walk straight into them and let his strong arms encircle me, but instead I took his hand firmly in mine. I started to lead him down corridors towards the place I wanted to go. When we finally arrived at the door I was looking for I leaned back against it and smiled warmly up at Josh.

With my free hand I twisted the door knob and opened the door from behind me. I turned to walk into the room but Josh wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me easily. I squealed in surprise and quickly dissolved into giggles. He carried me into the empty room and sat down on one of the many couches. He was still hanging on to me so I ended up sitting on top of him.

Josh lay down on the couch and pulled me down beside him. I lay beside him, finally happy to see the smile that I loved splayed across his face. I brushed a stray strand of hair from his forehead and let my hand rest on his cheek. Josh sighed and leaned into my hand. I moved my hand down to his chin and slowly pulled his head towards mine.

Our lips met. In one kiss I poured out every single emotion I had felt over the last few weeks. Sadness, confusion, anger, frustration and helplessness. I kissed Josh until the only emotions that remained in me were love and happiness. Josh moved his hand around to the small of my back pulling me even closer to him. He kissed me back passionately.

The door to the room opened but neither of us noticed.

"Hey, someone said you guys were in here," a voice said.

Neither of us seemed to hear.

The voice drew closer, "Josh the football- Ahh what the fuck? Far out Josh."

I pulled away finally realising that there was another person in the room. Josh looked down at me, confused as to why I'd pulled away and seemingly still unaware that Chase was in the room. Then he noticed my increasingly reddening face and embarrassed expression.

He turned to Chase and said tried not to laugh at the grossed out look on his face, "Do you want something Chase?"

"Uugh, not anymore," He replied and retreated for the door.

As he was closing the door I swear he said something along the lines of 'scarred for life'. Josh unsuccessfully held back his laughter and seeing him so close to exploding with laughter made me crack up too.  Once we had exhausted all ourselves with laughing I leaned my head against the arm of the couch. Josh looked down at me, smiling a true honest smile. Finally I had figured out a way to help him and myself.

He leaned down and kissed me this time. His mouth so soft on mine. I could feel all the tension and stress we'd both been feeling slowly flow away as our bodies melted into each other. Time fell away and nothing else existed, but us. I finally found a little piece of serenity and happiness. If only it could stay that way but of course the bell rang for class to start.

I pulled away startled at how fast time had gotten away from us. I was a little breathless but in a good way. I wished the two of use could have stayed in that room together for the rest of the day but I didn't have the guts to cut class. Josh could tell what I was thinking and helped me up from the couch. Hand in hand Josh walked me to my next class of the day.

Josh stopped outside my classroom and I hugged him tightly.

"I'll see you later then," I said smiling.

"I guess so," he replied happily.

He let me go and I was almost through the door of my classroom when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He spun me around so I was facing him. I knew what he was going to do so I met him half way. Josh was about a foot taller than me so I stood up on my toes to reach his mouth. He kissed me soft and sweetly but it didn't last long enough.

However, it lasted long enough to distract me through the rest of the school day and the ride home. I was still so distracted and elated when I got home that I almost missed the big brown box sitting on the kitchen bench. I backtracked into the kitchen and stopped in front of the box. There was a post-it-note on the top. I pulled it off and read it.


I know you're having trouble finding a costume for the dance. I saw this while I was out today and thought it might suit what you are looking for. If you don't like it I can easily take back but I can also make adjustments to it. The costumes a little more authentic than ones you find in most shops.

Love Mum.

I put the note down and carefully took off the lid to the box. On top there was a layer of crepe paper which I cautiously moved aside. Underneath was a soft, velvety, red material. I scooped it up and slowly shook it out. It was a cape of sorts with a hood at the top. All the way around the edge, including the hood, was intricate golden embroidery. There was a tie around the where your neck would go. I laid it down on the bench and went back to the box.

I pulled out the other item of clothing. It unfolded as I held it in the air. I gasped as I took in the beauty of the dress. It was red, black and white also with golden embroidery. I held it to me to see how long it was. The dress went to my knees and it looked absolutely stunning. I couldn't believe that I had finally found the costume I was looking for. I twirled around on the spot happily. I put the dress down and placed the cloak over my shoulders, pulled up the hood and tied the cord at my neck.

I pranced over to the floor length mirror in the hallway and looked at my appearance. A victorious smile spread across my face.

It looked like I was going as Red Riding Hood to the Halloween Dance.

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