Her Butler, Peps: Part II

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Bonnibel was sitting at the table while Lord Lamington went on about his brothel, Bonnibel wasn't even listening to the old fool, she mainly sat in her chair, bored as ever, wishing he would just drop dead right now. 

Peps and Cherry Lin then entered the dining room, Cherry Lin was pushing a cart that had trays of food on it. 

"Lunch is served." Peps said. 

As Cherry Lin was placing a tray on the table, she slipped over causing the try to fly through the air Before any mess was even made, Peps jumps through the air as fast as the speed of light, catches the tray and then places it onto the table as if nothing had happened.

"This smells delicious." Lord Lamington said as he smelled the food. "I can't wait to take a bite."

Peps looks over at Bonnibel and gives her a sly wink, the two then watched as Lord Lamington scoffed down the food like a pig.

Peps and Bonnibel stared at him, both with slight grins. "Did you enjoy the meal?" Peps asked.

Lord Lamington began to get a huge pain in his stomach. "What the hell is this!" He yelled. "Oh Glob it burns!"

"You better find a bathroom quick, I hear if you don't find one fast enough you die." Bonnibel said.

Lord Lamington jumped from his seat, and ran, he ran as fast as he could until he finally came across a bathroom up stairs, but it was locked.

"That is the Princess' private bathroom, only she may use it." Peps said. "If you want to use the loo, you should go find the servant's washroom."

Running out of time, Lord Lamington ran down stairs and towards the servant's wash room, again it was locked.

"I forgot." Peps said as he appeared from nowhere. "The washroom is for the servants only, but we do have a bathroom for guest."

Again, Lord Lamington ran around the castle looking for a bathroom. Meanwhile Bonnibel was up in her study eating a sandwich.

"Oh that's right." Peps said. "I believe you have to ask the Princess for permission to use the guest bathroom."

"Where is she then!" Lamington cried, even more in pain.

"I doubt she'd let you use it." Peps replied. "I suppose you can find her and ask her, but I can guarantee she won't allow it."

"Where is she!" Lamington yelled.

Peps just looked at him. "Very well, the Princess is up in her study, but i warn you, you really shouldn't disturb her."

Lord Lamington pushed Peps out of the way and ran for the study where Bonnibel was eating. "I swear to glob, when I find this brat, I'll pull her hair out and stuff it down her throat, how dare she take me as a fool. And after I'm done with her, I'll take care of that butler, then soon I will be king of the Candy Kingdom." he said to himself.

After Lord Lamington made it up stairs, he was shocked to see Peps waiting for him at the top. "How did you.."

Peps shushed Lord Lamington. "I am simply, just one Mint of a Butler." he said, he then kicked Lord Lamington down the stairs and watched him as he rolled out of the front door and back into his carriage, where it took off back to the brothel.

Later that evening, Peps was giving Bonnibel a bath.

"What of Lamington." she said.

"I hear he was too late to get to a bathroom, causing the brothel to burn down." Peps said.

"Good." Bonnibel replied. "Now we can have that orphanage built." she said.

"Yes Princess, I'll inform the builders in the morning."

"One man is dead, but that doesn't ease my pain, I have to find the next one."

"And I'll be here with you Princess, I will protect you, guide you, serve you, until the day all men are dead."

"Then you get my soul."

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