Chapter 51 anilizing

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Some words you will need to know for analyzation:

PDH/pdh= pheonix drop high

MCD/mcd= minecraft diaries

So, let's get started!

Let's start off with the MOST important thing, ships
Here's what I think

Mystreet: arrmau- zanemau

PDH: garmau- Travmau- maybe Larmau

MCD: no ships at all



There's a reason arrmau is a big ship in mystreet, and that is because  in mcd , there are no arrmau moments compared to garmau and Larmau . Aphmau is trying to even out the relationships but arrmau just didn't have the love. So, she used mystreet to balance all of these things.


The main reason for this is probably hate. When Aphmau most likely wrote the mystreet script, there was a lot of hate on Zane. The ' kill Zane alliance ' and the hate on Zane was HUGE! If you watched her vlog 'shipping talk' she mentioned how much hate there was on some ships... Aka zanemau. Making zane Aphmaus best friend, she resolved that problem and converted many people into zanemau shippers.


Seeing as him and Aphmau are best friends in pdh, I can see some future ships. BBBUUUTTT...(n/a haha butts...)  there hasn't really been any  Travmau moments in mcd yet so, for the same reasons that I believe arrmau happened, my prediction is that Travmau may happen for the same reasons... And I'm scared.


There has not really been to meany laurmau moments outside of mcd, leading people to think that, mcd is going to end in laurmau. My opinion on that, no. In the end it's probably going to have everyone, including Garroth, staring into the sunset. No happy endings with any lucky men in mcd. Just... All together. My guess is that there is going to be a side story based around laurmau.


In pdh there's an overprotective popular girl, whom is all over Garroth. There's another seen where Aphmau falls into Garroth's arms and Aphmau claims here title as S-s-studder Queen. She calls him cute and boom. She's got a new crush. The situation seems perfect. Pdh is most likely going to be Garmau.* you here distant fangirl screaming*...sorry...


The screaming teacher whom Aphmau first met when she needed directions?...😈 chad anyone?😈

Authors note:

I'm so sorry... I have been at my grandparents home, which doesn't have wifi... NO APHMAU VIDS !😭 but when I went to my nana and papas, I snuck onto there tablet. Where I watched the first episode of pdh. I'm sorry for no chapters and stuff... When you get this, I most likely have just returned home. This is 100% my work so if you want to use my predictions, at least tag me. Thank you.

Until next time,


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