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All right... 13 facts... Here we go?
My 13 random facts
1. I am a Scorpio
2. I have just recently reached 69 ( almost 70 like, wut?) followers, thank you <3
3. I go to a French Emerson school
4. J'ai habité au Canada ( translation at bottom but try to figure it out first :3 if you get right, you get cookie:3)
5. I can get depressed easily
6. (Going w/ number 6,) I have earned the nickname 'emo emew '
7. I have a super annoying brother
8. I draw some stupid and pointless things..... A lot
9. I never tell people which apps I use for digital drawing
10. Today is April the 1- I was about to give the date when it is supposed to be facts about me... Derp.... I AM A STRANGE CHILD
11.i stay up until 4:00 am on weekends! Like right now.....
12. Today alone, I've been told I am liked by 3 boys at least and asked to some dance thing by another... I mean... I'm not even pretty so...? Wwwaaaaaaahhhhhhh?