Castle walls prt 1

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Hey! I'm baaack! I'm thinking of editing all the one shots and then putting them in a book whom's sole purpose is to present readers with my crappy definition of garmau fluff. Also, 30 garmau Otp challange? This book, new book, or an other?

What do you think? Feel free to spam me with comments so I don't feel lonely •^•

See ya at de bottom! :3

Narrator 's pov

Aphmau walked through the cold stone castle, her extended hand and fingers running against the stone walls. She was named the princess of pheonix drop after the king and queen found the young girl lying among the lilacs at a younge age of 8.

10 years after that, in present time, the once quite princess Aphmau was about to break lose at crowing ceremony. She entered her luxury penthouse and waved away her person maid, Kawaii ~ chan and the moment she left the room, Aphmau locked her bedroom door and immediately a wild smirk became clear on the mischievous princess's face.

She walked over to an old painting of Aphmau with a pair of angle wings. Well, it wasn't really Aphmau. She was told it was a painting of Lady Irene. But she looked like her so Aphmau acted as if she was Lady Irene, even though she isn't.(a/n YYYEEEESSSSS APHMAU IS DEFINITELY NOT LADY IRENE  NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DEFINITELY NOT) 

She ran her fingers around the frame, eventually pushing down on a gem located in the centre of the frame, and being greeted by a soft click. She wrapped her fingers around the right side of the frame and pulled it open to reveal a secret passage.

In the olden days when the castle was constructed, passage ways had been built in the castle to protect the royal family from the danger lying outside of the thick castle walls. Since then, they had been forgotten. But when Aphmau was young and shy, she was playing with her dolls in her room, the shine off the amethyst gem on the frame caught her eye and she immediately ran over to it and ran her fingers around the frame and then stopped at the beautiful purple gem. She traced her thumb around its edges and placed her palm over the centre of the jewel when a knock at her door at her door startled her and she pushed down. The sound from the mechanism behind the painting was enough to catch Aphmau off guard and she fell back, her foot catching under the painting, causing it to swing open. Since then, she had found a secret room, and in this room she did what she loved most, singing.

Now she had to practice for a song she was about to sing at the crowning ceremony. She was standing in front of the passage when the door handle started to jiggle. Aphmau was frozen in place as the lock meet a key and the door was swung open to reveal her personal guard. His name was.... Gayross?(n/a what have done XD ) garross? No Garroth that's it, Garroth. He was like.. What 36? All she knew is that you have to be 30 to guard royals so...  Aphmau came to the realizationthat he was about to find out... Everything.

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