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Again -.-"

But I loved to be tagged so bring it on!

Heck, here we go, Kennydiaries did this to me by creating her own tag so the rules are,

1: who do you look like?

A umm.. With shoulder length dirty blonde hair, deep blue eyes and long limbs... Maybe if their was a garrence baby I would be it..? Um..

2: who do you act like?

A I've been told Aphmau, Kaitlyn and many others so  it's really your point of view

3: who does your best friend look like?

A my best friend is Madeesdiaries sorry others but we've been so close were kinda stuck together * examines gum wads, super glue, ropes and duck tape* well then... But? She looks like Emmalyn

4: who does your best friend act like?

A Kawaii chan or Kaitlyn. Kawaii chan because she ships 2/3 of the bus ships. Which are things we annoy the crap out of each other with. And Kaitlyn because when she get passionate about something or has her mind set on one thing, have fun with that.

5: who does your sibling look like?

A  Laurence ?

6: who does your sibling act like?

A who is the most annoying character in MCD ? Brendon? Or Dante because I swear that boy has a butt obsession

7: what is your favourite MCD quote and by whom?

A  SPRINKLES ! T-T -Garroth Ro'meve 2016

8: who do your ship?

A NOT ARRMAU TO OVERUSED. TO OVERDONE. but, Garrmau, travlyn, zanvis, lardenza ( ops?) Katemau ( more as a sister relationship tho)

Yay! Done! So I will tag,

_galaxy_girl_11 myself lol

Cya! Boi!
~ Mia

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