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      The last moan slipped away and faded and you let yourself fall beside Ashton as the passion remains set the air on fire. The soft, moldable sheets crumpled beneath you, making minute fabric hills that were flowing around your bodies. The following moments of silence were broken by muffled tapping of Ashton's hand around the bed. You noticed and took his hand in yours, just holding it.

    "Uhh", he awkwardly spoke up, "Was I underwhelming?"

    You chuckled loudly, "No, you were whelming."

    He smiled and mumbled, "Good enough for me." More silence followed.

    "You know you're not alone", you mentioned, "right, Ash?" You low-key tightened your grip on his hand. After 15 seconds of no answer, you realised he was almost questioning it.

    "Yes", he said quietly and briefly. 

    Knowing that he can't see you at all, you turned your head on the pillow now facing him.  You heedfully examined the lines of his face, the patchwork of naked skin and some prickly hairs, the rosy  tinted lips that were always dry from too much smiling,  the usually tamed curls that were now spilling across his forehead, and the saddest of it all - the brightest and most beautiful hazel eyes that you have ever seen and they have not seen a thing. Mesmerised, you stretched your arm and ran your fingers through his hair making every single hair on his body stand up. 

    "You know", he started off, "The girl before you, she took everything." Your eyes narrowed as you watched him talk.

    "Every single damn thing that was worth something. Even my freaking Bullet in a Bible." You could see his Adam's apple move as he swallowed hard before continuing. "Pretty on the outside. Ugly on the inside." A faint smile showed up across his lips, still aching. "I have never felt more helpless in my entire life. And If it made any difference I would've dug my eyes out, just because they failed me." 

    You quickly sat up, intending to stop him right there but there was a lump in your throat and there is nothing you could have done about it.

    "So cold hearted. But then again... Not my fault that she's like that. My fault is thinking that every breathing person would help you." His hope in humanity was childlike.

    Just as you opened your mouth, no sound came out. He continued, "But you know what? I guess you gotta have a little rain if you want sunshine. And thanks for being the sun."

    You forehead wrinkled as you raised your eyebrows. With eyes welling up with tears, you covered your shocked mouth. It was as if an arrow had shot through your heart. "Why are you telling me this?"

    Meanwhile in Ashton's head, he was replaying the conversation he had with his mates over the phone. He didn't believe himself either until the words spilled out of his mouth and heart to you directly. He had no intention of spoiling this any more, especially with how ill they spoke of you. He shrugged, and put on a smile.

     "I guess I really like you." 

    You grabbed his hand, separating his fingers with yours and then gently running them over your smiling lips, and you could see his only getting brighter as he realised what he was feeling. You slowly put his hand down, stroking it still with your thumb. 

     "Stay the night", he blurted.

     "Umm", you teased. He giggled, "Really, stay the night please."

    Out of the blue you jumped out of the bed bringing a cover with you. "You're not about to rob me, are you?", you heard being shouted behind you as you headed into the hallway.


     Being barefoot only made your footsteps seem heavier as they hit the wooden floor. The cover dragged behind you as if it were a gown. You were softly humming as you took a turn into the kitchen you were already familiar with. You stopped a moment to tie the cover around you like a towel. You were squinting at the cupboards till you found the cups. You pulled two out and put them on the counter while you turned on the water and looked for a teapot. When you didn't find one, you filled up the cups and put them in the microwave to heat up. As you waited for the utterly annoying beeping sound, you glanced at the microwave clock.

     "Huh", you scoffed, "11 already?" 

    The sound went off and you cringed, quickly grabbing the handle and opening the little microwave door. You put the teabags in the cups and dipped them in and out a couple of times even though it makes no difference in how fast it gives the flavour to the hot water. You burned your finger a little but you were fine with it. 


     You peeked your head out into the hallway and yelled, "Don't move an inch, just go back."

     You watched Ashton's arms stretch out and the look on his face was as puzzled as ever, but he did listen to you. You were holding back a laugh because he looked like he was about to go "What the fuck?" You returned into the kitchen and pulled out the teabags, throwing them in the sink. The splash coloured the drops of water and you left with a cup in each hand, pressing your upper arms tightly to your body so you don't lose your cover - or trip and fall. You paced into the bedroom like a penguin. Ashton's head was turning everywhere as he was trying to figure it out. 

     "Hands out", you ordered and he did so. You carefully put a warm cup into his hand and his fingers embraced it. 

     "What is this?", he was confused, bringing it closer to his face.

     "Cup of tea before bed."

    "Seriously?", he chuckled, kind of still in disbelief. 

    "As serious as Kristen Stewart", you said.

    "Well", he took a sip, "That is pretty serious, isn't it?" 

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