How to Make A Splash When Feeding.

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How to Make a Splash when Feeding.

I awoke the next day, and said a little prayer to whoever was listening that Sterling hadn’t stayed on the couch. I knew he’d be dead to the world, quite literally, but the prospect of seeing a dead body on the couch didn’t thrill me. Not to mention the couch was also covered in blood, and that grisly image is not how I wanted to start my day. So when I walked out to an empty living room I was more than relieved.

I took a moment to mourn my white couch. The stains had gone brown and the room slightly smelled. There was even blood on my green accent pillows.  I don’t know why I decided to get a white couch. Now it seemed kind-of stupid. I probably should’ve got a black one. This time round I would. It would match the chaise lounge and the side and coffee tables, but it would be so much black.  I would have to get some brighter colors in the room somehow.

I turned on the lights in the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. It was noon and I had a lunch date with Dawn and Vicky at one at Pinocchio’s Italian restaurant. I would have to start getting ready soon if I wanted to make it in time. I stared at the coffee pot willing it to percolate faster. I hadn’t slept well and I needed my caffeine. I looked at the clock again and decided that there was no way that I was going to be at the restaurant on time. Not unless I could go in my oversized shirt and boxers.  I was going to have to call Dawn and cancel. 

The coffee finally became consumable and I poured me a cup. I used to put all sorts of stuff in my coffee, sugar, cream, maybe some chocolate sauce. That all changed when I became a donor. I wasn’t allowed any of that due to my Nazi Nutritionist. I occasionally indulged, only that was when I wasn’t going to eat at a restaurant that was carbohydrate heaven. But I needed the caffeine so I learned to like it black. As I sipped on my steamy beverage I glanced at my fridge. I was going to need more blood packs. Sterling had cleaned me out.

Sighing I walked around the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room towards my desk. I found my cell, and went through my contacts until I found Dawn’s number. It went straight to voicemail and I groaned remembering that she was at work for another thirty minutes. I always forgot that other normal people did their work during the day. I chuckled at the irony. Dawn was the fairly normal one now. I left a message asking her to text me when she could and hung up. I then was left alone with my thoughts.

Sunday’s were my day off. I didn’t have to forward emails, answer calls, or make appearances. I normally spent the day cleaning, shopping, and preparing for the week ahead.  I needed to go grocery shopping, and I had to do laundry. I had hoped that I could do that after my lunch date, but that was before I was kept up all night by Sterling. I just couldn’t go to sleep knowing that there was a hungry, flirtatious vampire in my apartment. I had lain in bed trying not to think about it. I was just too tired for socializing, and I didn’t know if I should tell Dawn and Vicky about my new guest.

Roger hadn’t told me I couldn’t, but I was smart enough to know that I probably shouldn’t. I still didn’t know what Sterling had done to get shot. It would probably just worry Dawn and Vicky if I told them about my strange night. If I saw them then I would want to tell them everything. I needed to know more before involving anyone else.  I could ask Roger and Sterling later on about what had happened, but I had a feeling that they weren’t going to be forthcoming with information.  Roger had basically told me that I should just shut up and play hostess the night before.

However, I was not one to just simply leave things alone. I was involved now, and I wanted to know why. I didn’t like surprises. I had enough surprises in dealing with my Mother through the years. I wouldn’t be subjected to that again. I didn’t like being in the dark about something so serious. Robbie told me that I had control issues. I agreed. I most defiantly had control issues. And I was going to get to the bottom of this.

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