Traveling with a Vampire: Make Sure Your Prepared
I had only a few moments to register my mistake. Roger had told me that I could tell Robbie, and I assumed that Ben would be alright as well. My stomach was getting queasy at the thought of Ben in danger. That I had put him in danger, because of my big mouth. Donors could share information, and we did regularly, so I couldn’t see the harm in informing Ben of Sterling’s strange arrival in my life. I had figured Roger would’ve told him eventually. But this was apparently not the case as I watched Sterling aggressively thumb through my address book with my phone in hand.
“Are you calling Roger?” I asked quietly. “Should I call Ben?”
Sterling glanced towards me with a cold look, and then stared punching numbers into the phone. “Don’t call Ben yet.” He answered putting the phone to his ear and turning away from me.
Alright I admit it, I’m a coward. Because as soon as Sterling’s back was turned I ran to my room. I couldn’t face him tattling on me to my Boss. Everything had been going wrong since Sterling showed up. My life was set, secure, and I had everything under control. Now Ben could be dead in a ditch somewhere and it would be my fault for not checking to see if it was okay to let him in on everything. I found myself starting to worry about what would or could happen to me. Roger was going to kill me if something happened to Ben.
I slammed the door to my room and threw myself on my bed desperately trying to calm myself down. I didn’t know. I didn’t know that I could put Ben in danger. Why hadn’t they told me to keep it from him. Why hadn’t they told me hardly anything at all? I thought that I was safe. That Sterling was safe. That Ben would be safe as well. Sterling had been shot and survived, but Ben was mortal. He would die if the people bold enough to shoot a vamp shot Ben in the same way. Tears started to well up in my eyes as my imagination ran wild of reports of a missing businessman in Chicago. I fucked up. I fucked up big time, just because I didn’t trust Roger enough to let things go.
I started to cry into my pillow, when a knock on the door came. I jumped a bit, and started to tell Sterling to come in, but I didn’t. I couldn’t say anything. I was being a coward again. He knocked again, and added a “Pidge”. But I didn’t want to face him as a scared little girl. And I was scared. Scared for Ben, scared of Roger, and scared that there were scary people out there willing to “make Ben talk” coming after Sterling. I had thought that the shooting was an isolated incident. Like Sterling had slept or bit the wrong girl somewhere and her daddy shot him. I didn’t think that people would be coming after him. I don’t know why, but I didn’t take everything so serious, because Roger and Sterling told me not to. I then had an inkling that Roger had sort of lied to me.
There was no knock this time as Sterling told me he was coming in. I lost my mind for a moment, dashed towards the door and locked it by hitting the button on the door knob. The handle jiggled and I could hear Sterling groan. “Pidge, open the door. I’m trying to be nice here…we don’t have time for this.”
“Give me a little bit…and I’ll come out.” I yelled through the door. I had to calm down. I had worked myself up into a good fit this time round. Robbie had told me that I had a tendency to bottle everything up until I had a meltdown. Well I was currently having one. Sterling yelled for me to open the door once again. I put both my hands on the door leaning into it as I yelled, “Just leave me alone!”
“Not a chance.” Came Sterling’s voice from behind me startling me to no end. I leapt forward and into the door, banging my nose against it. For a moment I saw stars as my nose filled with intense pain. I swear I went blind for a moment when I finally accepted that my nose may be broken. I started to fall back only to be caught by Sterling and set right. My hands checked to see if there was blood, or if I had in fact broke it. It hurt like nothing else and the tears that had already started to fall poured out.

The Donor Handbook
VampireAmy has issues. Some are typical of your average teenager, but Amy's world is about to change. After a case of mistaken identity Amy has become a "Donor", or proffessional food for the undead. Her new job is hard enough, but when an unwanted house...