English class - chapter 3

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Abbeys POV
Two days down, two to go. That is why I love Wednesdays because you are halve way through the week. It's an achievement to make it Wednesdays for me. I am currently sitting in home room with Chris waiting for this day to be over.

"Abbey are you okay? You seem ver distracted" Chris asks me

"Uh what. Oh yeah I'm fine" I say clearing lying and he knows this.

"Abbey is something bothering you? You can tell me I won't say a word to anyone trust me abbey you are one of my best friends" he tells me. I know Chris but I can't say, if anyone if I do my life will be over. I think to myself. A few moments have past and I let out I sigh.

"Can I ask you something?" What the fuck am I doing.

"Anything" well this is it, this is where my life ends.

"Do guys hate it when girls are all desperate and all they want is a boyfriend?" I ask him I regret it as soon as the words leave my mouth but too later now what's done is done.

"So this is about a guy aye. Well to me it depends on the type of guy they are. If he is a total dickhead then they most likely do but if he is a nice guy I don't think he would hate it. Girls not know this but most guys want a girlfriend just as much as they want a boyfriend. Those types of guys love it when they find a girl who wants to be in a relationship just as much as them, someone to call theirs". Wow I didn't know this.

"Do you think there is a guy for me?" Why am I asking him all of this. What has gotten into me.

"Abbey you are kind, beautiful, loving, sweet, truthful, trustworthy, smart. There is definitely a guy thinking of you right now I know it. But since you are like a little sister to me if any guy wants to date you they would have to go through me first because your brother doesn't live here anymore someone is going to have to act like your protective brother when it comes to boyfriends so that is me." He tells me very seriously.

"Shut up Lanzon I'm five days older then you, your younger then me! But thank you about all that stuff you said I appreciate it" he rolls his eyes at my remark about me being older then him. But before could say a word the bell rang telling us to go to first period. I had a quick look at my timetable. English. I have English with Jakob and that is the only reason I like going to that subject because I get to see him.

I put stuff into my bag say goodbye to Chris and head to my class. Once I get there I can already see Jakob talking with a couple of his mates, Coen and Sebastian. I put my bag down, grab my books and stuff out of my bag and walk over to them.

"Hey abbey" they all say when I get there

"Hey boys, how are you all" I engage in small talk for a few minutes until the teacher arrives and we head into class. The four of us all sit together right at the back of the room. Yes I am sitting with they guys we are all friends plus I don't have anyone else in this class so why not there is nothing against it.

The teacher starts blabbing on about some random shit that I really can't be stuffed to listen to so I just kinda zone out. He has been talking about something not to do with anything we are actually meant to be doing for about 5 minutes then I finally decide to zone back in.

"Okay so class today you will be getting into pairs and working on this research test I am about to give out. You are to follow the instructions working with your partner you have until the end of the lesson to finish this then we might present them to the class tomorrow so do a good job." He tell us handing out a sheet of paper to every student.

"Well abbey sucks to be you but your stuck with me" Jakob says to me while turning to look at me. Oh trust me Jakob this doesn't suck one bit. THANK YOU ENGLISH TEACHER. I say in my brain.

"Oh great" I say sarcastically looking at him in disgust. We both burst out laughing causing the whole class to look back at us.

"Is something funny Miss Smith and Mr Delgado?" Our teacher, Mr Lewis asks frowning at us.

"No sir." Both Jakob and I say in sync

"Then stop mucking around waiting time and do your work" he tells us sternly. We nod and start the assignment. Whenever we do partner work in English Jakob and I always say the quicker we get it done the more time we have for fun towards the end of the lesson. Today is just the same we get he work done make it presentable really outstanding work and chat while working. With about ten minutes to go until the ends of the lesson we are finished the project.
"So miss Smith what are your plans for the weekend?" Jakob asks me very poshly. Holding back my laughter I reply to him.

"Ah will you see Mr Delgado my weekend is going to consist of my staying in my room for two days only leaving for food and to use the bathroom. And when I do step,out of my room getting yelled at by my parents." I tell him in a poshly manner. Jakob smiles at me and I can tell he's trying not to laugh at me being so posh. If inly he knew what he was doing to me. If looks could kill that smile would have taken me years ago.

"What a splendid time Miss smith" he replays but before a could say thing we are rudely interrupted by Mr Lewis.

"Okay class I am expecting that to be finished if it's not you have to finish it in your own time before our next lesson which I believe it tomorrow as we are presenting them. The bell is a few moments from going so start to pack up then when you are ready stand up behind your chairs and wait for the bell. Thank you everyone" we do as he says and wait for the bell to go. (A.N. Teachers say that all the time at much school, comment if you can relate) the bell finally rings and everyone rushes out the door. Well everyone except me. I take my time leaving then I get my bag chuck in my shit and wonder to my next class.

The only thing on my mind right now is Jakob. Nothing new. I just like him so much. I know I say this all the time but I can't describe it. I have never felt like his before. Ever. I can't even talk to anyone about it 1 because I don't know how and 2 because I don't want word to get out. I don't know what to do. I smile when I see him. He is on my mind all day everyday 7 days a week and there is nothing I can do about it.

I wish I could change things but I can't.


I updated sorry if it's shit it's 1am so......

You all need to go and read 'it is what bit is' by itsnotethan right now it is completed and the end had me full on crying. It's an amazing book and the author is a lovely person ❤️


please vote and leave a comment I will reply and would love to know what you guys think of my book

- Abbey xx

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