If They Love You, They Always Come Back

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          On my way out of Shawn's room I slipped my number under his door. I couldn't leave without leaving him a little something. I wanted him to know that he mean't something to me but that it wasn't gonna be easy to have me.

         I went to Aaliyahs room to hang out with her and Timera for a little bit. When I walked into her room she was live on YouNow broad casting. 

"Oooo look it's Shawn's Girlfriend" Aaliyah said laughing.

"Shut up." I replied jumping onto Aliyahs bed and laying on my stomach facing Aaliyahs lap top.

        I looked in the comments and they fluttered with screen shots and fan girls commenting rudely about Aliyahs previous statement. Things like..

"Ew, if he was gonna get a girlfriend she could at least look more like me.. Or better. Just be me"


"Wth is this ? Shawn has a girlfriend wtf I hate this." 

     I rushed to my defense and let everyone know that it was joke and that I am not Shawn's girlfriend. I knew this wouldn't end well because I was once a fan girl.. I know how we can be.

    After the YouNow Aaliyah, Timera, And I just started to talk about stuff. Some thing about a cute boy at Aaliyahs school. Timera told me about how Karen and Raul were out of the state so her mom Alison was just taking care of Shawn and Aaliyah for a couple months.

"What did you do in Shawns room?" Aaliyah asked catching me off guard.

"I know that look in your eyes. Something happened!" Timera said.

"Okay yeah? We kissed. So?" I said trying to act like I didn't care when I really did. 

"Shut up. How was itttt?" Said Timera.

"NO! I don't wanna hear the answer to that ew." Said Aaliyah disgusted.

"Its was great to be honest." I said. Aaliyah was plugging here ears and Timera was listening closely.

" His lips were soft.. Sweet with the taste of peanut butter. I must be losing my mind I never fall for anyone this quick" I said lowly so Shawn wouldn't hear.

"Awwww." Timera replied.

"Its getting late and there is school tomorrow, I should get going." I said hugging both of them.

"Bye!" They both said at the same time.

      On my way out of Aaliyahs room I heard shuffling down the hall and then Shawn's door close.. Was he listening ?

     I continued walking down the stairs and out the door yelling goodbye to Ali. It was a little chilly out side so I crossed my arms but I didnt mind, the only thing on my mind was how embarassing it would be if Shawn heard what I said. As I walked up to my house my mom was pulling into the driveway at the same time.

"Hey momma. " I said as she climbed out of her car.

"Hey baby, Did you have fun?" She replied.

"Yeah it was cool." I answered.

     I held the door open for my mother because she was carrying groceries. As she was walking through the door I saw pop tarts in one of the shopping bags. Lord bless her she's the best.

     I ran up stairs to my room. We bought an already furnished house which was perfect. It was decorated very beautifully. My bedding and sheets from the old house were laying on my bed but not made yet and my suit case was laying next to them.

    I began unpacking my suit case full of clothes into my dresser and closet. We only brought half of our wardrobe because my mom told me that we would go shopping when we get here anyways. That's completely okay with me.

   Once I finished unpacking everything I grabbed my towel and bathroom box and headed to the bathroom. I unpacked my shampoo, conditioner, etc. and turned the shower on. I hopped in and once I was finished showering I wrapped my towel around me damp body and just walked to my room like that.

    I opened up my closet and grabbed some cute white Pj's and put them on. (External link to see the outfit)and made my bed. I layed in bed and felt my eye lids getting heavier and soon I was out.




Mmm mom must have brought my alarm clock, Great.

   I shut the annoying thing off and climbed out of bed. Man was I not ready for the first day of school...

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