* فِطرة الأطفال *kid's Primitivenes*

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كُلّنا نُلاحِظ عِندما تَرتدي الأم مَلابِس الصلاة وتُصلي تَجِد إبنتها تُقَلدها وَتَلبَس مِثلها وَتَقِف عَلى سَجّادة الصلاة
كذلك الحال مَعَ الأب وإبنه ...

وَكَيف أنّ الأم عِندَما تَضَع مساحيق التجميل وتَرتدي الحذاء ذو الكعب العالي وَتَخرج مُتبرّجة فإنها أيضاً تجِد إبنتها تُقلّدها في كُل شيء ، وكذلك الحال مع الأب وإبنه ...

لا نَحتاج أن نُكمِل فالفِكرة واضِحة ــ

وكما يقول الشاعر :

وينشأ ناشئ الفتيانِ مِنّا ــ على ماكَانَ عوّدهُ أبوه ...
#دونكم ــ فاقرءوا

All of us notice that when the mother wears prayer clothes and pray , she finds her daughter imitates her , wear like her and stands on the prayer rug . And the same thing about the father and his son ...

As well as when the mother puts Make Up ، wears shoes with high heels and going out
unveiled , also she finds her daughter imitates her in everything ... The same thing happens with the father and his son ...

We don't need to continue because the idea is very clear
and as the poet says :
And the nascent boy arises
in what his father accustomed him ...
* Read it and Take it *

* دونكم فاقرءوا * Take it and Read it *Where stories live. Discover now