*لا يأس مع الله *No despair with ALLAH*

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حين تضيق..تضيق بشدة..🍂
كأن هذا الفضاء الرحب اصبح كهف صغير مظلم..⚫
انظر الى الاعلى..
انظر جيدا..💭
ارى نور بسيط..
اطيل النظر..✨
اتفائل..هناك امل
نعم هناك نور..نعم هناك امل🍃
شيئا فشيئا..
ارى النور يتوسع..
اصبح الثقب اكبر..☘
لِمَ يا ترى؟
وحين اتفكر..وحين اتذكر..
ايات الله..رحمة الله..
ادرك اني كنت اغمض عيني حين انظر..🍂
ولم يكن الثقب اصغر..
🍃اذا ما ابتليت..انظر جيدا..🍃
انظر بقلبك وأغمض عينيك..
سترى رحمة الله حولك..🌹
في كل مكان..ستراها جيدا☘
ابتسم دائما..رغم الالم رغم كل ما يمر بك🍃
ستدركك رحمة الله ولكنه يريد لك ان تصبر..🌿
وتنال اجرا وفرجا وفرحا..ابتسم واصبر💭
* دونكم فاقرءوا *

When it becomes very narrow and narrow as as if the wide world became a small dark cave Look to the top

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When it becomes very narrow and narrow
as as if the wide world became a small dark cave
Look to the top ... look carefully ...
You will see a light light ...
Prolong seeing ..
I'm optimistic there is some hope ..
Yes there is light , yes there is hope ..
Step by step .. see the light becomes bigger ..
The hole becomes bigger..
So why is that happens ???
When I think , when I remember ..
The signs of Allah , and his mercy ..
I realized that I was closing my eyes while seeing ..
And the hole wasn't small ..
When you have troubles , look carefully..
look by your heart , and close your eyes ..
You will see the mercy of ALLAH around you ..
You'll find it in everywhere ..
Always smile despite the pain and in every case you are in ..
You will realize HIS mercy , but HE wants you to be patient ..
Then you'll gain reward , happiness and relief..
So be patient and smile ^_^
* Read it and Take it *

* دونكم فاقرءوا * Take it and Read it *Where stories live. Discover now