How IT started

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I wasn't in the mood for anyone's shit I had just been humiliated beyond recognition. I guess it would be me to, one fall for a guy way out of my league and two think believing and trusting a bitch was a good idea. That was my senior prom for god sake I'm 18 and still, no one cares that I got my self looking right I'm still that little fat kid that was.

I swear that night I ran for what seemed like hours. I was wearing a peach dress, fitted at the top with a sweetheart neckline covered in Swarovski gems and the bottom had tutu like qualities without the puffiness. All in all it was a beautiful handmade 3k dress, that wasn't to long, but was long enough to hide my goodies and i had on my Swarovski gem Louboutins to match. My hair and make-up professionally done which cost 2k and I had the colour on my braces changed to peach to match my dress which cost 2 hunnad. So all in all my outfit came to a net total of 5.2k and that's not including my jewellery (which might I add were all either platinum or white gold with all real diamonds my jewellery came to a net total of about 5k). I made sure I was looking right, but it seems looks ain't mean shit.

While I was running it started to rain, and I mean tropical rain, my hair, make-up and dress were ruined. I gave up. I stopped running and sat on the curb, slipped off my shoes, put my head in my hands and cried my eyes out. What was supposed to be an evening to remember (literally the theme was evening to remember) was ruined. After about 10 minuets of crying I heard a car pull up next to me, well I didn't really hear it, more - more felt the headlights burn through my, closed, puffy-from-crying eyelids.
I looked up and there he was (I wish I could say it was my knight in shinning amour, but I can't)
The dick that finished me off, made me less than I already was.
"Get in the car" he called. Me, get in the car with him, after that? Nigga must have been smoking on that Cali shit.
"Fuck off Roc, I literally have nothing to say to you." I said flipping my middle finger
"Ouch, you don't have to say anything and I won't either if you don't want me to-"
"Good then don't leave me alone drive back to where ever the fuck you came from."
"Listen, get in the car it's cold and late and you don't know where you are."
"And how you know I ain't know where I am?" I raised my eyebrow
"Cause, I ain't een no where the hell I am."
"Oh and you think that means I should get in the car?" I groaned at the fact that I didn't want to deal with this nigga right now I wanted t be alone "why you even here? Shouldn't you be sucking someone's dick, seen as all you and your fucktard friends do is suck each others dicks?"
"Damn girl you salty, just hear me out, I owe you-"
"Me salty?" I couldn't let him finish speaking, my pitch rose and I was about to go ape, but I took a deep breath and composed my self "listen I don't care about you or any of your friends you ruined the one thing in life I was looking forward to. But nigga you ain't owe me shit."
"But shaniya-" Roc was cut of by the loudest roar of thunder you ever did hear I screamed so loud niggas in Paris could hear me (pardon the reference) "-see and now you're scared, just get in the car and trust me." I stood up picked up my shoes, Roc got out of his car came round to me he put his tux jacket over me and opened the door for me to get in his car.
"Nigga you best know from now I ain't in this car because you asked, I'm in this car because I don't fuck with thunder or lightning and lightning always follows thunder." I said putting on my seat belt.


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Trust: Truth.Reveals.Untold.Secrets.Througout (A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now