Longest night of my life 2

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When we got to his house I guess I was sleeping, because I didn't notice that we were no longer in the car until I opened my eyes and found out I was in his house in his bed. I sat up rubbed my eyes and looked around.
"I didn't mean to wake you" Roc said
"It's alright I can't exactly sleep in what I'm wearing anyway can i and how did you get me upstairs?"
"We'll you're not exactly heavy. I carried you"
"Oh ok, we'll thanks" he threw a massive T-Shirt my way and I didn't even care that Roc was in the room I began getting changed. I noticed the lights in his room were low, it gave the room a warm feel. I slipped of my stockings then remembered in order to take of my dress someone needed to unlace it at ye back "Roc" i said turning around to face him as he was standing on the opposite side of the bed.
"Yes Shaniya?"
"Erm, can you so me a favour?" I stood up facing him
"I guess so, what is it?"
"Could you, erm - unlace my dress?"
He laughed at me because I was blushing and stuttering, you could tell by my tone of voice I was unsettled and nervous

Roc's pov:

"No need to be nervous, sure I will" she walked round the bed to where I was and stood in front of me. I brushed all her hair over on of her shoulders, she tilted her neck and held her said.
"Erm, thanks" she said so soft I guess you could call it a whisper. Her hair smelt so good, like fresh coconuts and her neck was so smooth I began to unlace her dress slowly, with every row I unlaced more and more of her back was revealed, and I slowly ran my hand down her back following her spine, I could feel her getting goose bumps. After I had unlaced her dress a little more I realised she wasn't wearing a bra.

End of pov.

While Roc was unlacing my dress he was giving me goose bumps his soft hands down my back, no one had ever touched me like that even if he was just undoing my dress. I then realised I wasn't wearing a bra I held my dress up with one arm and stepped forward "it's alright" he said putting both of his hands on my shoulders stopping me from walking away and he continued to undo my dress for me.

Roc's pov:

I could tell Shaniya felt awkward my taking of her dress and I guess she realised at the same time I did that she had no bra on, which was kind of a turn on (shoot me I'm a boy). She felt a bit awkward but I didn't let her walk away I held her back gently and carried on undoing her dress. When I had finished undoing it neither of us moved I was standing right behind her so much so our bodies were touching, I put my head next to her neck, inhaled slowly and kisses her neck about three times I could tell she enjoyed it because she tipped her neck slightly as I done it.

End of pov.

After he undon my dress I didn't know what to do whether I should walk away or he should, so I didn't move at all I just held my dress up with one arm then out of no where he kissed my neck I didn't even realise until after the third kiss I had even tilted my neck slightly but that was short lived I put my head up right and turned my head as if I were going to turn around and look at him, but I didn't he stepped back from me and cleared his throat. I walked back to the other side of the bed and then turned to face him "thank you" I said trying to make eye contact
"Don't mention it" he said unable to make eye contact with me.

He left the room I guess he went to change or maybe get a spare duvet for him to use. Something I didn't realise was when he said he'd sleep on the sofa he meant the sofa in his room not the one in the sitting room. When he left I took of my dress and put in on a chair he had on his room. i sat down on the edge of the bed, took of all my jewellery and put it on the bed site table. When I was finished he came back in the room. "Erm, Roc" I said swivelling my body round to face him, he didn't reply but I knew he was listening "I know this is a weird question, but do you have a hair band? And can I have a spare toothbrush and flannel if its not to much to ask?" Again he didn't reply he just left the room and came back 30 seconds later with everything I asked for and handed them to me "thank you" I said knowing he wouldn't reply, but being polite anyway, I didn't know why I was being so polite despite all he's done and said since he was still a dick to me at prom I don't see why he couldn't have said anything at prom before I ran away.
"You can use my bathroom" he pointed to a door in his room, that I guess was an en suite "I left you a towel on the side next to the sink for the morning and a pair of my boxers basketball shorts and a tee for you to wear tomorrow I hope you don't mind" he said still unable to make eye contact with me he sat down on the sofa and watched me walk past him "oh and Shaniya" I stopped walking and faced him "I really am sorry about tonight" like I've said time and time again about it I had nothing to say so I didn't reply to him just carried in walking to the toilet.

I got to the toilet and brushed my teeth for about 7 minuets as I'm overly obsessive when it comes to dentil hygiene then I removed all my male up by washing my face, looked through the pile of clothes he had left out for me and the went back into his room. He was now lying down on the sofa staring at the ceiling I took no notice of it and got into his bed, I felt really mean sleeping in his bed while he slept on the sofa "we can swap you know" I said sitting up
"Huh" he said raising his head
"We can swap, I don't mind sleeping on the sofa, after all this is your room and your bed"
"Shaniya I told you I'm a gentleman, and as a gentleman it would be wrong of my to make you a lady sleep on the sofa while I a man slept in more comfort in my bed"
"A lady huh? Not a bitch?"
"Yes a lady, now get comfortable and go to sleep, I'm going to drop you of early tomorrow so that your parents don't worry to much"
"Well." I said surprised that he referred to me as a lady "how early are you talking its 5am now I'm not waking up till 11:30 and the earliest" he laughed at my response
"Well then like I said let's sleep so that you don't get up any later than that". He turned the light of completely and I feel asleep almost instantly I was exhausted.

Roc's pov:

I felt so bad about everything that happened today that video was to far, Savannah shouldn't have played it in front of the whole senior year that's shit ruins reputations, I swear I had nothing to do with it, heck I didn't even know about it, but obviously Shaniya won't believe that especially after Savannah called her out and I did nothing but stand back and watch, I should have said something, I really should have, but stupid me I didn't I let her get humiliated. Which was most certainly not a gentlemanly thing to do. The only reason I keep going on about being a gentleman is because I promised my old man I'd always be one and it's something I will never go back on. It's the last thing we talked about before he left forever I remember the day so clearly. I could feel I was about to cry so I quickly stopped thinking about it covered myself with my covers and dozed off.

The next morning I woke up early got washed and dressed put on a pair of basketball shorts, socks and slippers and went down stairs to make breakfast. The only reason I was able to do all of this, as in have Shaniya stay over and that was because my mum was out of town of work, to be honest she was almost always away on work, she never told me she was going or where she'd just go and I'd wake up on morning with a note that say "love you" and her debit card attached no contact numbers, no return dates nothing,but I was so used to it now and besides It meant I practically had my own place.

I finished making breakfast made two plates up put one in the microwave and ate my plate while watching an episode of family guy I had recorded. When I was finished I washed my plate and went back upstairs to put away the spare duvet and pillow re brush my teeth and check if Shaniya was awake, at first she wasn't but when I had finished doing what I had to do she had woken. I swear she was quite hot I mean damn, I can't believe I was kissing all up on her neck last night, It was actually turning me on practically undressing her and... "Morning" Shaniya said making me quickly snap out of my thoughts
"Oh morning, I made you breakfast once you're ready" I smiled
"Oh thanks" she smiled back, then got out of my bed, in my tee and walked to my bathroom to use my shower, I can't lie that shit was hot to watch, the way my shirt wasn't long enough to cover all her bitty and the fact she was just wearing my top, I swear without meaning to be this girl was a tease.

End of pov.

I went to the bathroom and could feel Roc's eyes on me which to be honest I didn't like, I mean I know I let him kiss all up on me, but it was a mistake on both parts and Im sure he knows that. Once I was washed and dressed I went down stairs and ate the food Roc made, I can't lie the boy can cook! But when I was done I figured it was time to leave "Roc, I think I should leave now"
"Ok, let me get your things" he quickly ran upstairs then back down "here you go" he handed me my dress on a hanger in a dry cleaning bag and my shoes and jewellery
"Thanks" I smiled
"No problem, let me just get my keys" he walked towards a bowl next to the door where I figure he keeps his keys then gestured at me to follow him out the door, so I did and we walked to the drive and got in the car.


Sorry not much happened here but I hope you still enjoyed

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