Kicked out?

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He got back to the car quicker than I expected and with a suit case rather than an overnight bag when he got closer to the car I opened the trunk of the car from a little button on the inside of the car and then leant over the drivers seat and opened the door from him to get in the car.

"That was quick" I said as he stepped into the car"

"Yeah erm" he had a worried look on his face, I quickly became concerned

"What's wrong Jerome and why have you got such a big bag of clothes?"

"Well I went in and your mum asked where you were, so I said you were at my house and wanted to stay so I had go to your house to get clothes. I don't know Niya she seemed vex she pointed to a ready packed suitcase and told me to take it, I didn't know what to say I just done as she said then right before I left she told me to tell you to not come back to her house unless its so you can get your school stuff or more clothes" I didn't know how to react to what Jerome just said, my mum just kicked me out of the house? Is this bitch crazy! I haven't got a job or enough money to buy a house or flat and pay off rent or a mortgage! is she crazy

"For fuck sake so she's kicked me out just like that?"

"I think she's just a bit mad that you haven't spoken to her or faced her yourself"

"No Jerome you don't get it, I told you she doesn't love me she resents me and blames me this has nothing to do with me not contacting or facing her she's just using that as an excuse to do all of this"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be I don't care ill figure something out"

"No you don't you can live with me my ma and pops won't mind they love you like their own" he laughed "you're like the sister I always wanted"

"Jerome you ain't never want no siblings"

"Ok I didn't but still I love you like a sister"

"I love you to. Now can you drive instead of sitting outside this woman's house"

"She's still you're mother" he said putting the car in drive. I didn't feel any need to reply the wasn't a mother to me.

We got to Jerome's house literally seconds after leaving my old home seen as we live on the same estate. once he parked the car in his garage he took my suitcase out of the trunk and wheeled it up to the front door, I walked beside him. He opened the door and we went in, there was no one in the house me and Jerome went upstairs to his room and I collapsed onto his bed "are you hungry?" Jerome asked

"I'm peckish"

"What do you want?"

"Make me one of your infamous salads"

"With the chicken?"

"Yes with the chicken I'm black"

"No you're not you half white skin colour looking like the sun all bright up in my room" he kissed his teeth laughing

"At least I ain't look like the night sky" I began cracking up with laughter

"Nigga now you know ain't nobody up in here that dark my moms black and my dads half Colombian and half black"

"Telling me your family tree like I care" I showed him with my hand "just go make my salad"

"Best ask me nicely about shewing me"

"Please Jerome" I said pouting

"That's more like it" he left the room but leaving the door open

I took my phone out my pocket and scrolled through my photos they were all of me Savannah, Nylah, Neesha, and Mariah. I sighed and scrolled through them. it was really to good to be true how could girls like that be friends with me. I wouldn't even want to be their friends now they're literally dirt, the are such low life's and I can't believe they went through months of pretending to be my friends just so they could have a quick laugh at prom! I should of seen it coming really why would they join the drama club I mean really they were so up themselves I can't believe I thought they actually joined the drama club willingly and talked to me because the actually got past the old fat me. Memories of how I used to be and what happened at prom clouded my mind I started to cry really loud I couldn't help it. "Don't cry" Jerome said sitting on the bed hugging me, I didn't even know he was in the room I guess he heard me because the door was open I wiped my tears and smiled

"I really believed they were my friends how stupid am I?"

"You're not stupid at all" he glanced at my phone and saw I was looking at pictures of me and 'the girls'. "give me your phone"

"Why?" I said looking at him

"Just give me it" when he said it I did so, he marked all the pictures that had them in and deleted them "now you need to try and move on" I didn't reply just put me head on Jerome's shoulder and hugged him "here you go" he reached over to the bed side table and then handed me a plate

"Ah Jerome you're truly the best"

"Ain't gotta tell me twice".

After we ate we put on the movie 'holes' and watched it till we feel asleep

Trust: Truth.Reveals.Untold.Secrets.Througout (A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now