The Hero

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Hey there awesome nerds here I am again writing for the sixth chapter of my story. Hope you'll like it 🙌. Pleave leave some comments/reviews and please vote too. Thanks... Lav ya💋💞💝😊😍😘😻🙌💕👌💜💗💖😄😇

Beca's POV

"I'm coming BELLAS",

"Beca what can we do to help", Jessie asked. After asking I gathered all of them and planned what are they going to do. I carefully studied the map where the girls are at. I arranged them to places and all was set.

"Let's go!",

We rode on Amy's bus, Jessie drove it as fast as it can. After arriving at the DSM's base we silently broke in. Two of the trebles took care of the guards from outside and they take place to alert us if someone will come in. We took our positions and roam the building we saw Jessica, Ashley, Lilly, Cynthia rose and Amy  hanged up from one of the room where they are played like a punching bag and slapped hardly. Jessie and the others took care of them while Emily came with me to find the other Bellas. We heared screaming and shouting in pain from one room across the hallway. "It couldn't be it's Aubrey and Stacie!", I gasped we ran directly to the room and saw the two of them there were three beating them up and two were flirting and touching them. Aubrey and Stacie were resisting them but they can't move, Bree saw me hiding but I placed my finger to my nose so we can attack them without them alarming the others. I signalled Em to take care of two and the others are mine, Em just nods. I walked slowly to one of them and punch him so hard from the back of his head that caused him to be knocked the others saw me and ran to me but Emily stabbed one of them. The other one kicked Em which caused Em to be thrown and hitted Bree in the stomach by her head. The other two held me tight and the one who kicked Em started to punch and kicking me in the stomach. "Em stand up you gotta help Beca", I heared Aubrey said it to Emily, she managed to stand up and started punching the one in my front. The other two was shocked and lost their grip so I started to attack and killed them with ease.

"Bree are you okay?", I said as I loosen her while Emily loosens Stacie

"Yeah", coughing blood

"Oh no you're not", Beca's hands turned to a fist with great anger

"C-chloe", she stuttered

"Why where is she?", holding Aubrey in her arms

"She was separated from us. Yo-you g-gotta help her",

"It's okay, it's okay I promise I'll bring her back", she gave Aubrey to Emily "I need you to call the others and wait for me outside you understand?", I said seriously


"Look Em I can handle myself from here. You need to leave this place. I still need to get my lover", I said looking away

"Okay but Beca please be careful we still need our Captains", she said smiling

"I will Em", I said leaving

I looked around at every room and only one was left. I slowly peeked and saw my red head girl hanged just like the others was. 'There she is', I gasped as I saw the woman back at the Exodus' base. Again my hand turned to a fist and my eyes burned into a furious look as I saw her beats up Chloe. With no hesitation I opened the door and she looked so shocked

"You found us! He how did you do that?", she stuttered

I stayed silent as I approach her with a stronger and more furious than awhile ago and gets stronger by a second. As I was near to her she swing a punch to me but I stopped it with ease. I attack her and punch her, she couldn't even move I was holding her and slammed her to the ground. I was about to finish her life until someone yelled and said "Stop that or you won't see your Chloe here alive!", he said as he placed a knife in Chloe's neck, "B-Beca help", Chloe said weakly. I dropped the woman and raised my hands in surrender. The man approached me but I grab his knife with ease and got my gun from my back then fire it to him. Then I get to Chloe and loosen her chain

"You okay Chloe", I smiled

"Yeah I guess", she ached

"Let's get you out of here", I said

"Sounds good to me", she smiles and I laughed

"I'm glad you're okay".

"Don't ever do that again okay?",

"Do what?"

"Sacrificing yourself just to help me",

"I'll do anything for my love",


"Uuhhh nothing sorry let's just get out of here",

I guided her outside where the others are waiting we were about to get out of the gate when suddenly someone yelled. "Hey troll I'm still alive!", she shouted as she pulled the trigger of her gun twice which pointed to Chloe. As fast as I can I pushed Chloe and the bullets hitted me in the back. I fell to my front then Jessie shot the woman and killed her, everyone else ran towards me where Chloe holding me careful not to hit my back, tears came falling down her cheeks and I wiped it.

Chloe's POV

"I told you I'll do anything for y-you", she passed out

"Let's get her to the nearest hospital", I said as I carried her towards the van

We are on our way to the nearest hospital and two questions keep popping in my mind 'Why did she do that? Who am I?'.


What is gonna happen to Beca? Find out more in my next chapter 👍. Please leave some comments/reviews and please vote, too 👌. Thanks..... Lav ya💋💞💝😊😍😘😻🙌💕👌💜💗💖😄😇.

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