26. He Mentions your eating habits

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He Mentions Your Eating Habits

Louis: "Why do you do that?" Louis questions while you both eat your lunch. You throw him a confused look, "Do what?" You ask, eating your sandwich. "Tear the crusts off." You look down at your crustless sandwich and frown. You hadn't noticed you did that. " I don't know really, just a habit. Never liked crust, never will." You shrug. Louis shakes his head and sighs. "It's weird." You gasp in fake offense. Clutching your heart with one hand, you use the other to cover your mouth "My stars! How rude!" Louis laughs and stares at you. You begin to fidget under his stare. "Why did you notice anyway?' You ask, suddenly wondering. Louis smirks at you before answering. "I notice lot's of things. Like how you always chew on the drawstrings of jumpers, how you crack you fingers when you're tired, and how you constantly tug on the end of you sleeves to cover your hands." You stare at him in shock. How did he know these things? "That's not only weird, that's creepy." You reply, sticking your tongue out at him. You glares at you and playfully bumps but with his shoulder. "Just shut up and eat your de-crusted sandwich."

Niall: You quietly pick at your food as Niall sits across from you. He clears his throat and looks up at you expectantly, before quickly looking down. "Babe, are you ok?" Niall questions, setting his forks aside. You groan internally, thinking you had been doing such a good job hiding it. "Um, yeah. I'm fine." You say, throwing him a fake smile. Niall sighs, looking like he didn't want to bring it up either. "You haven't really been eating much." He says, pushing it all out in one breath. You shake your head frantically, "What are you talking about? I eat all the time!" You spout, purposefully taking a large bite. As the food slides down your throat you start to mentally calculate the calories and almost gag. You didn't need that extra fat. You stare at your plate in disgust and keep your head down, hoping he'll just drop it. He sternly says your name, causing you to look up at him. "I know." Is all he says before you choke down a sob. "I-I just..." You stutter, letting the tears freely fall now. He stands up from the table and pulls you from the chair you were seated in and into his arms. Neither of you say anything, but Niall silently promises himself he'll find a way to fix you again

Liam: You and Liam sit in the kitchen laughing and snacking. You had a pack of fruit snacks and were sitting on the counter. You had carefully picked out all the oranges, eaten them, then moved on the next flavor. You were half way through the pack when you noticed Liam intensely staring at you and threw him a questioning look. "What?" You say, finishing the raspberry ones. "I thought I was the only one who did it." He mumbles, a smile slowly growing on his face. "Did what?" You ask. He smiles even bigger and pulls you off the counter to hug you. "You eat the flavors individually." You chuckle at him quietly. "So?" You say, pulling back slightly to look him in the face. " Well, it means we're perfect for each other obviously." He says, lightly pecking you. "Is that so?" You giggle, pulling him back into an embrace. "Absolutely" He whispers, hugging you tighter. You laugh again. Liam had just validated your relationship over a weird habit you both had over sweet fruit shaped candy.

Harry: "What are you doing?" Harry suddenly ask as you prepare your lunch. You furrow your eyebrows, confused. "What do you mean?" You say, taking a bite of of your Totino's. "Are you dipping your pizza poppers in ranch?" You roll you eyes playfully. "First of all," You start, waving the box in front of him. "They're pizza rolls. And second of all, yes, I'm dipping my pizza rolls in ranch." Harry raises an eyebrow at you. "That's a bit bizarre, don't you think?" You glare at him. "Actually, it's fucking delicious." Harry scrunches his nose as you pop another ranch covered roll into your mouth. "Is it though? Is it really?" He says, pulling a disgusted face. You slap his his arm and he laughs and jumps away. "Aw babe. You know I'm only kidding. Um. Let me try one, I guess." You immediately smile and pick a pizza roll off the plate and dip it into the ranch. He cautiously opens his mouth and you plop it in. He chews and nods, a pleased look on his face. After he swallows you look at him hopefully. "It's absolutely horrible." You jump to smack his arm again but he dashes away giggling, making you sprint after him. The pizza rolls and the ranch are quickly forgotten as you both tromp around the house laughing.

Zayn: You sit huddled in the corner of the couch, surrounded by seemingly never ending piles of snacks. You had Doritos, Pretzels, and A plate of Dino Chicken Bites to your left. Kitkats, Chip's Ahoy Chocolate Chip Chewies, and basically every type of candy to your right. You take a viciously large bite out of the Hot Pocket in your hands, focusing your attention on Leonardo DiCaprio AKA Jack slowing sinking into the freezing waters, as Rose sits safe and sound on the door. "You dumb bitch! You could have squeezed him in on there!" You exclaim, throwing a skittle at the tv. You hear a soft gasp from the opposite side of the couch. "That's a massive amount of food and attitude, don't ya think babe?" Zayn says, carefully examining the mountains of junk food laying at your side. You whip your head around to glare at him. "What are you trying to say, Zayn?" You question, the irritation clear in your choice. Zayn gulps. "Um, do you think you need that much?" He asks cautiously. You scoff at him. "How dare you!" You shout, turning your whole body towards him as you rant on and on, shaking you head and waving your finger sassily. "I love you?" Zayn squeaks, his eyes now wide and scared. You purse your lips. " That's better." Never again did Zayn question how much you ate on your period.

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