34. I Want...

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"I want..."

Harry- Kids." He mumbled, squeezing your hand gently. You smiled, leaning into his hard chest, sighing with a giggle. "You really want children?" He hummed, moving a few stands of hair out of your face. "I can see it, little us running around in diapers." Smiling you spoke. "Yeah, wouldn't that be nice."

Niall- To spend the rest of my life with her." Niall smiled to the four boys sitting around his flat. "You love her?" Zayn piped up, gliding his fingers along his bottom lip as if he was in deep concentration. "More than anything. To the moon and back, lads. That's why I got her this." Fumbling with the tiny red velvet box, he boasted it off to the boys. "Go get her man."

Louis- To promise." Louis started, looking deep into your eyes. "That we will grow old together, we will have children, we will have a life together. I want to promise that I'll be there, will you?" As cheesy as he put it, you wrapped your arms around his small waist. Placing the faintest whisper of a kiss on his lips. "I promise."

Liam- You to say yes." He chuckled, one knee on the damp ground. You smiled, but stayed silent. "(y/n)?" He questioned, pouting his bottom lip. Tears started to weld in your eyes as you timidly shook your head 'yes'. "Of course, Liam!" He sighed in relief, slipping the beautiful ring on before hugging you.

Zayn- You to stay." You pouted, watching your boyfriend pack all of his bags. Slamming it down by the front door. "I have to, you know that?" You nodded with a fake smile. "I just miss you home." You chocked on a burning sensation. "Don't cry. I'll see you as soon as possible." "Zayn! Lets go!" Paul yelled from the door. "Bye, (y/n). I love you."

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