45.He Stays with You During Major Surgery

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He Stays with You During Major Surgery

Louis: You nudge him awake, feeling his even breath cascade over your arm. He blinks and tries to hide the circles under his eyes. "Hey, babe." His voice cracks for the first time in months. "How're you feeling?" You shake your head, touching his cheek. "More importantly, how are you feeling? You look like someone's hit you with a truck." He chuckles quietly, resists the urge to yawn as he replies, "Coming from the girl getting her belly cut open?" You roll your eyes. "I'm serious. You should go home and get some rest." "No!" Louis sits up and squeezes your hand tight. "I'm not leaving you. You're not going to go through this alone."

Niall: "No food?" He stares at the paper in disbelief. "You mean she can't eat anything?" The doctor shakes his head, slightly amused. "No, Mr. Horan, it means she can't have any solids before the operation. If you have any more questions, feel free to use the phone beside the bed." She left with a sweep of her white coat. "I'm so sorry." Niall collapsed on the extra seat. "That's just cruel." You laughed a little, patting his knee. "You seem more torn over the eating than the actual surgery." He curled next to you on the white sheets like a child, nestling his head in the crook of you neck. "It's all so horrible," he said into your hair. "Well, you're with me, so it isn't too bad." Niall looked up, blue eyes shining. "I'm glad, Y/N."

Harry: His lips have you spiraling. You fist bunches of his curly hair, bringing him closer to your body, yet one little shift of weight sends sheets of pain throughout your chest. "Ow!" He gets off instantly, eyes changing from lust to concern in a split second. "I'm sorry babe, did I hurt you too much?" He cradles your head in his hands, brushing away your tears. You smile weakly. "I'm fine," you say. But it didn't stop him from keeping your hand in his, protectively, with care, for the rest of the stay.

Liam: "Do you feel any different?" You shake your head, smiling. "Liam, I haven't even done the surgery yet." "Oh." He rubs the back of his neck, blushing. "Right." You look at his travel bag. "Are you planning on going somewhere?" "Here." He sits down in a red chair, beginning to unpack. "Toothbrush, movies, pants, shampoo, your teddy bear.. And here's a bag of chocolates for when you can eat again." You reach over to hug him, not noticing the way his breath stopped but definitely feeling the way his arms curled around yours. "Thank you," you breathe. He tightens his grip. "I'd do anything for you, Y/N." The words, someday, though you didn't know it, would change your life.

Zayn: He bursts through the doors, searching through the tiny room before his eyes fell on your seemingly small figure, lost in the enormous white. "Y/N." And all of a sudden the dam built so strong across your heart is broken, and you're crying, and his slender arms are around you. But because he's with you, it all seems okay. The tears pouring out, the fear, it all seems so much easier to deal with. He didn't say much. He doesn't have to. "You'll be okay," is his only whisper, and it;s all you need. His love, in your mind, could get you through anything.

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