Terrible (twos)day pt. 2

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Harry nodded his head slightly, wiping his runny nose on Liam's t-shirt in the process. Liam didn't mind and made his way to the boys room with Harry cradled in his arms.

As soon as Liam cracked the door to the boys room, he was met with a foul odor that he was way too familiar with.
"Harry do you think you can get yourself dressed today?" Liam whispered to the toddler as he sat him on his feet

Harry nodded sleepily and made his way over to the brown dresser drawer with a green "H" engraved in it.

Liam quickly went to work on waking up Niall, brushing his light blonde hair out of his face gently. "Ni baby, time to wake up love" Liam cooed gently. Niall's blue eyes slowly fluttered open and blinked a couple times, adjusting themselves to the newfound light.

"Good morning babe" Liam said sweetly and kissed the toddler on the four head. Niall only frowned at his Daddy, becoming aware of the sticky substance he was laying in.

"Oh that's okay love, daddy will get you all cleaned up" Liam cooed, raising the boy out of his bed and placing him on his hip.

Liam glanced over at the still sleeping Louis, figuring he would let him sleep while he bathed Niall. "Harry come on love, you're gonna have to come to the bathroom with me and Ni so daddy can watch you"

"H doesn't need to be watched daddy, H stay in here" he said to Liam without looking up from the toys he was occupied with.

"No baby, you have to come with daddy and Ni for now, then we'll come back and play" Liam told the toddler patiently.

Harry blatantly ignored Liam's commands and continued to play with his toys, not in the mood for following orders today.

"Harold!" Liam whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake the sleeping baby.

Once again Harry didn't give Liam any acknowledgment and continued make sounds as he ran his toy car across the carpet.

"Daddyyyy" Niall whined at his place on Liam's hip, squirming in obvious discomfort.  Liam shushed the boy kissing him gently on the temple. "I know baby, just one second"

"Harold you have until the count of three and you better have the toys put away and be standing right here beside daddy." Liam lectured in a hushed tone.




Out of all the days for Harry to choose to act out, he chose today. Liam marched over to where the toddler was sitting on the floor and grabbed his hand, with no words, walking him out of the nursery and shutting the door behind him quietly.

"Let go!" Harry screamed out once they were further down the hallway, tugging at the grip Liam had on his small hand.

Liam only the ignored the toddlers shrieking and led him into the bathroom, with Niall still quietly perched on his hip.

Liam closed the door, and turned the lock, releasing his grip on Harry's hand, and heading over to start the bath water.

"Corner" Liam told the toddler, once he got the water running and added Niall's favorite soap.

Harry looked at Liam with challenging eyes and crossed his arms with a loud huff. "No" the toddler said flatly.

Liam was beyond pissed at his sons sudden behavior, but kept his composure, silently turning his attention back to Niall.

"Sorry daddy took so long baby, let's get you out of these pajamas, yeh?" He cooed to the blonde toddler.

Niall nodded and raised his arms above his head so Liam could remove his pajama top with ease. "My good boy" Liam cooed and began to remove Niall's pajama pants, along the his soiled underwear.

"How about you pick out some bath toys to play with baby" Liam told the naked boy while handing him the basket of toys that sat by the bath tub.
Niall grinned and took the basket from Liam's arms eagerly.

Liam smiled at the boy for a few moments then turned his attention back to Harry, who was still standing with his arms crossed and a scowl across his face.

"Harry I don't know what has gotten into you all of a sudden, but you need to listen to daddy when he tells you to do something, ok?" Liam said to the defiant boy.

"I want papa" Harry said, still scowling at Liam. "Well babe, so does Daddy, but Papa is at work right now so that is not an option for either of us" Liam explained to the boy gently.

"Harry wants papa now!" The toddler screamed suddenly, frightening Niall and causing him to drop the basket of toys all over the bathroom floor with a loud crash.  Harry looked at Liam with wide eyes, a little surprised by his actions himself.

At that point, Liam became completely overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with Zayn and his fight, overwhelmed with the single parent he'd become, and overwhelmed with how Zayn's absences was now effecting his sweet little Harry.

Liam shut off the bath water, placed a stunned Niall gently into the tub, along with some toys he picked up off the ground and silently began to gather the stray ones laying on the tile floor.

Harry stood still in his place, not sure what to do with himself ,but then quietly began to pick up the toys surrounding him, handing them to his daddy.

"Thank you love" Liam told the boy gently.

Harry stood awkwardly after all the toys were collected, until Liam embraced him into a hug. "My good boy" he cooed.

Harry buried his face in the crook of Liam's neck, accepting the comfort from his daddy.

"H is sowwy" he whispered into Liam's neck. "Daddy's sorry too baby"

A/N this chapter is all over the place & made me sad just writing it. Sweet little Harry bean. )));

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