back to normal?

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Liam was the first one to wake up the next morning and was so relieved to see Zayn still sleeping in the bed next to him. He had really missed this, waking up next to his husband, and honestly, he just wanted this entire family fued to be over. He just wanted his family back to the way it used to be. After sitting and staring at his sleeping husband for a bit longer, Liam got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, flipping through their medicine cabinet until he found a bottle of ibuprofen and dumped three pills out on to his hand. Next, he filled a glass with water and carried it to Zayn's nightstand, sitting the pills next to it on the desk. "Zayn," he said softly as he climbed back into bed, "It is almost noon, I need to go get the boys from my mum's house soon before she starts to get worried."

Zayn groaned and rubbed his tired eyes, "Okay, okay, I just need to -" Zayn stopped mid-sentence when he felt the alcohol he consumed the night before coming back up his throat. He quickly ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet, throwing up every last bit of the contents from his stomach. Liam worriedly followed him to the bathroom, rubbing his husband's back as he continued to throw up. "Dang Zayn, how much did you drink last night?" Liam asked concerned.

At the mention of the night before, memories instantly flooded into Zayn's head, making a still slightly drunk Zayn sob once again, "I-i'm so sorry Liam. I-i didn't mean for any of this to happen." 

Liam's heart was heavy at the sound of his crying husband, "Zaynie it's okay. You have helped me through far worse hangovers than this before. Here, how about we just take a bath and try to relax, yeh? I'll just text my mum to bring the boys by now," Liam said as he reached over and began to run the bath water and then quickly sent a text to his mum. "I even set out some pills to make your head feel better," Liam said as he quickly ran into their bedroom to retrieve the water and ibuprofen, handing them both to Zayn once he returned back to the bathroom.

Zayn nodded his head and stood up from being crouched over the toilet. First rinsing the horrid taste of puke out his mouth with water from the sink and then accepting the pills from Liam along with the glass of water.  Zayn downed the pills, thanking Liam behind teary eyes as he handed the glass back to him.

"Z, there is no reason to be upset. I am not mad at you. It's okay, lets just take a bath so you can sober up and we can talk," Liam said to his husband softly, still rubbing small circles into his back. Zayn only nodded dreading telling Liam the truth. Once the bath was full of water, Zayn allowed Liam to help him into the bathtub. They sat facing each other in the bath as Zayn splashed water on his face trying to sober up and calm his breathing.

Once Zayn seemed to have control of himself, he decided it was time to tell his husband about Alex, "Liam we should really talk about all of this."

Liam started to talk again, "Look Zayn, I am so sorry for how I have been treating you and I ju-"

"No Liam, before you say anything I have to tell you som-"

"No please just let me say this Zayn", Liam interrupted and Zayn simply nodded in defeat. 

"Before you decide anything I just want you to know that I realize you do so much for our family and that I take you for granted all the time. I know you would never hurt our boys intentionally, and honestly, I was just so fed up with everything that day and I took it out on you. That was so wrong of me, and I am so sorry, I don't want to lose you and I really hope you can forgive me. These past weeks have been absolute hell without you and I just want things back to the way they used to be. Just you, me, and the boys. Our happy little family."

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