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"I'm sorry officer, I didnt even realize how fas-" Liam stopped his words in their tracks, taken back by the handsome officer smiling at him through the slot of the rolled down car window. "How many little guys do you have back there?" the officer said. When Liam didn't answer the officer stuck his head further into the vehicle, "Looks like a handful" he said with a chuckle.

It was silent for a few seconds, Liam just couldnt get himself to form words. "Ermmm, there are three of them, m-my sons." He stuttered out, suprised on how awkward his words sounded when they came out. "They're handsome little fellas, where are you guys headed in such a rush?" the officer said, still smiling as big as he was when Liam first rolled down the window.

Liam was quicker to respond this time, "The daycare down the road, Harry is late and I was just trying to get him there in time to make the first recess bell; he loves recess." The officer's smile grew, something Liam didnt think was possible until he whitnessed it happen. "Well, I guess that's a good enough reason to be going fifteen over. I have a nephew who goes to the same daycare, so I know how important the first recess is" he said to Liam with a wink.

Liam smiled at the officer, relieved he wasn't going to be getting a ticket. "I actually pick him up on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, just to help out my sister, i'm surprised I haven't seen you there before?"

"Well my husband sometimes picks him up maybe that's why." Liam offered as an explanation. The officers smile flattened for a split second, but then returned back to its original shape. "Well I tell you what, if your husband ever is gone and you need some one to pick up your little guy back there, Id be happy to. The kids love to ride in the cop car."

"Well that's very generous of you, thank you officer." Liam said with a polite smile, glancing at the time and just wanting to get back on the road. "And, if your husband is gone and you ever need to get somewhere faster, next time just call me, the sirens usually does the trick"

Liam just laughed, not knowing how he should respond. It was silent for a few moments before the officer spoke back up again. "Well i'm just gonna need to see your proof of insurance then we can get you back on your way"

"of course" Liam mumbled, pulling down the sun visor and supplying the officer with a white sheet of paper. The officer took the paper, and headed back to his car with it, returning within the time span of a minute and bidding Liam safe travels home with another wink.

"Daddy, lets go!!!!!" Harry whined when Liam sat staring at the paper for awhile too long for his liking.
The back of the paper had ten digits written in red ink with the name Officer Anderson in cursive beside it. Liam knew Zayn would have a come apart if he saw this so he crumbled the paper up and stuck it in the consul.

After Liam finally got Harry to daycare, late for recess, he took the journey back home; making sure to go the speed limit this time.

When he got home he was surprised and relieved to see Zayn's vehicle sitting in the driveway. The baby was knocked out in the backseat, catching up on sleep he was used to getting.

Liam carefully lifted Louis into his arms, quietly shutting the car door and then went around to the other side to help Niall out of the car.

When he entered the home the first thing he saw was broken glass covering the living room floor along with drops of blood scattered on the hardwood.

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