Chapter 1-Coming Back

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(Stiles POV)

        I packed my bags into my black jeep and got ready to go back to Beacon Hills. Half of my pack here will be following me, the other half will be staying here and my oldest beta, Malcolm, will be in charge for the time being. I walked up to the door of Julia's house, where she was standing. She had become like a mother to me, well more like a cool guardian that kept me from BIG trouble. "So, this is where you're leaving me Mr. Badass?" I laugh at what she says even though I'm on the verge of crying. Sure I'm all tough now, but leaving the place that has been my home the past 2 years and the person that has been my best friend here, is hard. "I'll be back Jules. I wouldn't leave you for good after all this." She smiled and said, "Come're you, and don't say you are to cool for hugs." I chuckled and hugged her, me towering over her since she was short, and I had a good 6 inches on her. "I'll miss you Jules." I feel her smile through my grasp "I'll miss you too." She pulled away and looked up at me, "Okay, now show those assholes who you have become, and don't give your daddy a heart attack with all the trouble you are now." I knew she was joking about the second part. She loved me; she has bailed me out constant times here. "Will do, see you soon Julia." I walked to my jeep and got in, took one last glance at the young blonde, and drove away. Beacon Hills, you better watch the fuck out. I'm coming home.

The drive was long and boring and I arrived at my old house a little after 11 pm. It was dark out now and as I walked up the steps to the door I felt like I was being watched. I spun around quickly, searching for any sign of movement. Nothing. It was completely still. I shrugged it off as my paranoia. I unlocked the door; my dad immediately rushed in and froze at the sight of me. "I know I'm hot, but it's rude to stare." I sneer. He chuckled then grimaced. "What happened to you Stiles?" Now it was my turn to laugh. "I grew up; I was tired of being weak little Stiles. Now I'm powerful, stronger, than anything." "But Stiles, just because you changed your look, which by the way you look like a juvenile delinquent, and got more sarcastic, god knows how you managed that, doesn't mean you're stronger than anyone. You aren't invincible." He sounds like one of those confidence speech givers. "You see, that's where you're wrong. It's not just my look." I snarled. He looked startled by my tone. He is going to learn I don't care like I used to about anything, so the chances of me getting 'grounded' are slim. "Then what else has changed?" he eyed me suspiciously. I took off my sunglasses and grinned snidely, my eyes glowing purple. It seemed to illuminate the entry way. His eyes grew wide and I laughed, fangs bared. He gasped. "I don't understand Stiles. H-how? Wh- why did you come back?" I shifted back to regular. "The main reason I wanted to go live with Julia was that there was a pack there. I sought them out and had myself turned, killed their alpha, and now, I'm the most feared shifter around. You know the reason for that?" I ask, he should loveee my answer, ha, NOT. He shook his head, speechless. "Not only did I turn into a werewolf, but somehow- I don't know how- I also became werefox. Which makes me twice as strong and powerful than any regular purebred, I am the hybrid. This isn't the only reason either. I show No mercy, No emotion, I'm brutal and I get what I want. " The air around us has changed drastically, what was once curiosity and care, is now fear and disappointment. "Stiles, why did you come back?" His voice was hard, as if he didn't even know me. Well I guess he doesn't think he does, I'm not his little boy anymore. My pack is the biggest and baddest in the area, Hell, maybe in the world currently. I've done terrible things, and the thing is, I feel no remorse. My father was looking down at the ground, not saying anything. "Dad?" Maybe I went too far, no fuck it, I don't care. He looked up and his face hardened. "Why did you come back? The real reason, it wasn't to see me, I can tell you could care less, but guess what? I could give a shit less too." That is how he is going to act? I did still love my dad. But if he wants to think I don't then fine, I won't. "I came back to show my old pack that I'm not something to be fucked with. I've taken over every pack in the area, except one, the Hale pack." I say pretending not to be hurt by his words. "I came back to have fun ruining their lives, since you know, they ruined mine those short years ago." My dad looked away, grabbed his coat and stormed out of the house, probably to go get drunk and wallow in his sorrows. This is gonna be fun. I smirked and carried my bags up to my old room. Have to get a good night's rest for tomorrows 'reunion'.

Sorry it is so short I promise future chapters are longer ~Trinluv

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