Chapter 5-The Ride

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Chapter 5- The Ride

(Jacksons POV)

        So Lydia just had to blurt out my little secret at lunch. Yes I've been looking for Stiles. So what? Not like it's any of their business. After I heard Lydia and him both had gone I knew they were together. I don't know why, but I had this burning jealousy. Lydia and I haven't been together for a long time, so why was I jealous? It's definitely not because he is with her, maybe because she is with him? No, not that, I hate Stiles, it's how it has always been. The only reason I was looking for him is to find out where he went. I was curious, sue me! I hopped in my Porsche and started to drive home.

       I've been home for about an hour when I got a call from Derek about a pack meeting. I bet I can guess what this is about. Derek probably has some stupid master plan to get rid of 'The Hybrid' and either kill or drive Stiles away, which won't work.

          Once I got to the Hale house everyone else was already there, not my fault I had to fix my hair. I walk into the huge manor that was once burnt down to the ground, it's fully renovated now. I made my way to the meeting room. They all stared as I walked in. Everyone except Lydia who wasn't here. "Glad you could join us Jackson, we were about to start without you." Derek stood tall over me. "Whatever brutty eyes, can we get this over with now?" I sat in my regular seat in between Danny and Scott. Derek eyed me then sat down at the head of the table and put his head in his hands. "Is it true?" Derek looked up and let out a sigh. "Is he back, and he's the Hybrid?" I rolled my eyes. Did he think we would lie about this? "No, Stiles is back and he's a unicorn. Yes! He's back, and yes, he is the Hybrid. And no, you can't kill him, or make him leave. He is more likely to kill all of us tonight." Derek and the rest of the pack glared at me. In Isaac's eyes, a glint of fear could be seen. "He won't, not tonight at least." Isaac tried to say confidently but his voice cracked. "How can you be so sure? We don't know him anymore." I snapped. Derek stood up. "Enough Jackson! Stiles would never hurt, let alone kill, us. We do know him. He's Scott's best friend for god sake." Scott had all eyes on him now. "We don't know him Derek, Jackson's right. We knew Stiles, but whatever part of Stiles that was left, is gone now. This is not Stiles, this is the Hybrid. He will do, and get anything he wants, no matter who he has to go through. We've all heard the stories. We had a plan to take him down before we learned it was Stiles. I think we should stick to the plan. The Stiles we knew is gone." Scott's speech seemed so heartless, like he didn't even care that it was his old best friend. We were planning on killing the same guy who we used to spend nights with and protect at the cost of our lives. That's what pack is. I'm not too keen on this idea, not because it's that idiot Stiles but because I'm not getting my ass killed by the former spaz. "Scott's right. Stiles or not, we have been preparing for this. It might be our only chance to get rid of him. He seems to be here alone and he won't be expecting us to strike." Allison said glancing at Boyd the adding. "Well some of us he won't be expecting." Allison can be a real bitch. Lately at least. She acts like she's the queen, not that I have room to talk, but still. Her and McCall are annoying as hell.

             "You guys act like he was never a part of this pack, never family, your best friend! Do you not care at all that someone I-we, we have all been missing just came back? Sure, he has changed. Why don't we try and play friendly? Maybe get old Stiles back." I surprised myself with my sudden outburst, and slipup. I hope nobody caught that. "Jackson's right." Ethan suddenly spoke up. "We should try and have peace instead of picking a fight we most likely can't win. Also because it's Stiles." Aiden nodded his head along with Danny and Isaac. "Personally I haven't seen Stiles yet. And if this Stilinski, how bad could it really be?" Derek looked around at us, waiting for someone to speak up. "No, no, he is pretty bad." Scott looked up seemingly to get angry. "He easily threw me and his shove knocked me across the hallway, it didn't even look like he used any strength." Derek rolled his eyes. "I could do that." I was fed up with Derek's rude attitude. "All the stories you've heard are true Derek. Just because its Stiles doesn't mean anything. Besides even before he was the Hybrid, he was one of the strongest people I knew!" Okay my outbursts are getting out of control. Did I just admit I thought Stilinski was strong? "Since when do you give a damn Jackson? You have bullied Stiles for as long as I can remember." Scott snapped at me. I huffed, I was pissed off at them, I'm not exactly why though. I overdramatically stood up and walked out. The others called after me but I didn't care.

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