Chapter 6-Jared and Trevor

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Chapter 6-Jared and Trevor

(Stiles POV)

               I woke up earlier than usual. Fantastic, I can't even go back to sleep otherwise I'll be late. When I got home last night my dad ignored me. He gives me rude or disappointed looks now; who I have become scares him, not only that though, he hates me. He never liked the punk type, sure I don't make it easy to love me now, but he is my dad, he should at least try. But he doesn't care about me anymore. The only reason I'm still living here is because I have to, nowhere else to go except the abandoned house my pack is staying in, but that's 'illegal' so my dad won't let me, him being the Sherriff and all. I got up and took a shower, then picked out ripped skinny-ish jeans and a black t-shirt that has an outline of a 1967 Chevy impala with the words, "Carry On My Wayward Son' above it. What? Am I not allowed to like good television? I fixed my hair then put on my black Vans along with my necklace. I couldn't find my phone, I start tearing up my blankets from my bed. I need my phone! Eventually I found it under my pillow. Let's talk about how my room was spotless. Now it's a mess. Eh, whatever, I'll get it later. I grab my keys and an apple and head out. Before I got to my jeep though, my father rushes out from behind me. He hurries to his squad car. "Whoa, slow down Flash." I call after him. He glares at me, "Be quiet Stiles. There's been a dead body found in the woods. Said to be a 'wolf' attack. I swear if you had anything to do with this." I try not and laugh. "You'll what? Ground me? I'm so scared! Maybe it was an actual wolf attack." I said. "Yeah sure, since when are there real wolves in Beacon hills." My dad rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Check his track suit if there is any money in the pockets." I smirk. "How do you know he is wearing a track suit? And was a he?" I could tell my dad was pissed. I winked at him and climbed into my jeep and waited for my dad to zoom away.

           I turned the key in the ignition but it wouldn't start. "What the fuck." I tried it again, and 2 times after that, but it still wouldn't start. "Damn it!" I got out and slammed the door shut. I'm sure as hell not walking to school. Why not skip? I walked back up to the house, only to find the door locked. I tried my key and it wouldn't work. Did dad change the locks? Ugh, probably, that dick. I took out a cigarette and lit it then took out my phone and searched through my contacts. Lydia would already be at school and I hated the rest of the pack .My eyes fell on a certain 'J' name. Should I? I ride for a ride? I could but I do not want to arrive to school with Jackson. I found Jared's name in my phone. Jared was one of my youngest pack members. But he was my closest friend besides Lydia. He was only a year younger than me.

          I called him and he answered on the first ring. "Hey man, what's up." Only a few pack members talk so casually with me. I was their superior. "I need you to do me a favor." "Who do I need to kill?" I chuckled. I've asked him to do 'that' favor a little too many times. "No, not that kind of favor. I need a ride to school, believe it or not." He snorted a laugh, "You, the big bad Hybrid, is having transportation problems?" "Yes, now shut up." I wasn't being harsh, just joking around. I'm not a dick 24/7. "Also you're attending high school now too." He gasped. "How could you?! My best friend, and alpha, forcing me into a world of torture." I chuckled, "Jared, just hurry your ass up. And bring Trevor, I want him to start school too." Trevor was the same age as me. "But-schooooll. Why do you hate us?" I rolled my eyes. "Jared, I hate you because you're annoying and ugly." "What! How could you. I thought we were friends! Haha yeah, I'll be there in 5." He then hung up. Jared knew I was just joking.

         I saw Jared's 67 impala pull up. He is more obsessed with Supernatural than anyone I know, he killed a super-fan of the show, just to get the car. I saw that Trevor was in the back? Why didn't he sit next to Jared? I got in the passenger side and turn towards Trevor. "Why didn't you sit here?" He silently pointed to Jared and mouthed, 'Don't want to be seen with his dancing.' Oh god, Jared didn't bring the CD did he? On cue Jared started blaring 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC. I like the song but Jared's singing and dancing to it was....not what I would call talented. I facepalmed as he drove of singing and throwing his hands around to the song. "Jared, please not again." Trevor pleaded. He just turned the music up louder. I looked at his huge grin. Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em right? I faced Trevor and smiled evilly. "Not you too!" "I was caught! In the middle of a railroad track!" I sang. Trevor looked defeated and started murmuring something about stepping on a cat, 'big bad alpha' and life over.

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