A/N- I said I was done writing FanFiction.

I lied.

Dan's POV-

The colors burst to life around him, as...

"That's not right."

Suddenly, his eyes opened. He saw a whole new...

"Disney references aren't allowed."

His eyes worked.

"So descriptive."

Dan wanted to be an author. He was trying to write.

Dan was failing.

He was a good student, but he was tired and hungry and quite possibly going insane.


I have failed at writing once again. I feel like these are the only words that I've written in you so far, they're like a mantra in my head. 'I have failed, I have failed, I have failed...' I do hope I haven't failed at writing in you as well.

Honestly, that was a lie.

You aren't mine, you don't belong to me, you're a tool of my therapist who thinks that the medications I'm on aren't enough.

Why am I doing this?

A Phan Story of an Author, a dreamer, and Two DiariesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant