Chapter 4: Guessing Game

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Evan's POV
"So..." I start, glancing down at the man tied to medical room's bed. "Did you erase his memories of us?" I look in Moo's direction.

Most hybrids also ended up with extra skills from the experimentation. Skills that no normal person could have. Moo has the ability to mess with someone's head, along with having rapid healing capabilities. He was fortunate to gain more than one advantage, unlike other weaker hybrids. The animal you're fused with can also influence the extent of your powers.

He giggles evilly.
"Even better, I wiped him clean. He won't even remember working for them, and the trigger for his memories is something he will never witness." Everything has a catch, I mean, nobody can be that OP, otherwise everyone would be avoiding Moo like the plague. I glance at him curiously.
"What trigger?"
"He has listen to my own animal sound in order to get his memories back, but even if he does, he only has 10 days before the changes to his head are permanent." Moo grins wickedly. Wasn't he supposed to be the kind, shy one?
"Well I'm satisfied, now please get that bastard out of my sight." I sigh.
"Well he has a one-way ticket to Japan, so that's not a problem." I glance at him with wide eyes. Japan is halfway across the globe from us. I nod my head before leaving him with the unconscious demon. Seems the past never leaves sometimes.
After waking up, I had to make sure that Delirious is monitored by somebody, plus he needed a proper bath. Basically had no problem with the request. A sneaky raccoon like that left alone could destroy the whole world if we aren't careful. A goofy smile appears on my face at the thought.

Basically suddenly emerges from a guest room, panicking. I raise my eyebrows in concern, and cough to catch his attention.
"Why are you so flustered?" I question, as he barely pays mind to me, and continues his frantic search.
"Oh my god! Whyyyyyyy! 2 seconds, I looked away for freakin' 2 seconds!" He wails before finally catching my eyes. He swallows hard, trying not to meet my eyes. I'm growing impatient, tapping my foot on the tile floor.
"Seriously what's up with you." I question irritably. He finally looks at me fear and worry visible in his gaze. He mumbles under his breath.
"What? I didn't catch that."
"Delirious is gone!" He shouts, and I look at him with a ridiculous expression.
"I turned my head for one moment and the next thing I know, there is no raccoon beside me! If he's hiding purposely I swear to god when I get my hands on him-"
"You've checked everywhere?" I ask, cutting his rant and empty threats short. He gives me that "did you seriously just ask that" look.
"Has he at least been bathed?"
"What, no! And aren't you worried that someone might have kidnapped him. Like the Researchers perhaps!" To be honest, I wasn't worried. My owl senses are pretty sharp, plus I'm a territorial animal. I can tell when something dangerous happens near me, especially in my own home. Basically notices my calm expression, and remembers how strong I am.
"I'll keep looking for the rat." He sighs before thumping down the hall. I just shake my head at his immature antics.
Deciding to go for a walk, I move through the house until I reach my bedroom door. It's open slightly ajar, which is peculiar because I'm not fond of people going into my room, minus a few exceptions. I open it slowly, and stifle a laugh. There, somehow on my bed, is the sought after Delirious. His head is held high and he holds a firm stance on the edge of the bed, a determined glimmer in his eyes. The whole dramatic scene plus how flustered Basically was when looking for him is too much, and I burst through the door, falling and rolling on the floor in a fit of giggles. The raccoon makes a surprised noise at my display, before joining me on the floor, nudging my teary-eyed face with his nose.

I finally catch my breath, and my voice still falters a little when I speak.
"Sorry you just looked so funny and Basically was freaking out and enraged at your disappearance. Then I find a raccoon performing a scene from Lion King." I breath out, and he snorts. I sit up on the ground, and glance at him, his eyes meeting mine, still slightly confused.
"You haven't had your bath yet." I accuse playfully, and his jaw drops before he gasps, he turns quickly to escape, but I'm faster.
"I don't think so~" I hum sinisterly as he squirms and struggles to escape me. "Since Basically seems to have problems even watching you, I guess I will have to clean you." A nervous whine bubbles from his throat as I pick Delirious up, and walk to my room's bathroom.
"Relax, you just need to soak while I wash your fur with shampoo. You don't want to smell bad, do you?" He shakes his head with a sigh, giving up the fight.
"Good little Delirious." I coo, and he simply huffs dramatically, causing a smile to play on my lips. He looks at me with adorable eyes, in a final attempt, and I have to restrain from just burying my head in his fur.
"Nice try."
"So what were you trying to do?" I ask curiously as I watch the bathtub fill with wonderful-smelling suds. I make sure the water level and heat isn't too much for a raccoon. He looks at me, trying to find a way to describe himself without using words. He then perks his ears and tail from realization. Oh my goodness this creature is KILLING me. Wait brain, remember, he's a hybrid. I shake my irrational thoughts as Delirious whimpers, scratching at the sink's base. I look upwards before crouching down, and catching his eyes. He nods, and I pick him up, placing the ball of fur on the countertop. He immediately scurries to the fogged up mirror. Ohhhhhhhhhh, I get it. I watch as he goes to work.

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