Chapter 15: Delirious

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Jonathan's POV
I'm having a fight with myself. Absolutely ridiculous.
No it's not, and what I'm saying is making a lot of sense. You can't stay here any longer, or your good friends will get hurt.
And what about Evan? He'll kill me if I try to runaway again. He was absolutely devastated the first time, and hasn't let me leave the house without supervision yet.
Trust me, because either you make us leave, or I'll take control of this body and take it somewhere where you won't be feeling guilty every damn time someone from the lab comes after you and the others get involved.
It's not that easy Delirious, I can't just leave them, they'll track me down and bring me back again. While I'm stubborn, they're all persistent.
Allow me to help you with that then. You no longer get a choice.
Bitch you can't do that, you'll leave my body alone.
Too late, idiot.

The last thing I remember is feeling my body head out the bedroom door without my volition.
Evan's POV
Something doesn't feel right, but I don't know why. I munch on my piece of morning toast. It's been a week since that whole kidnapping ordeal went down, and a week since we've started bothering Minicat non-stop. Sorry, but they asked for it when they made so much noise.

Still deep in though, I pay no mind to whoever walks in behind me and rummages through the fridge. When they plop down beside me at the table, and notice that it's none other than Jon munching away at an apple, eyes closed and head facing straight ahead.
"Morning sleepyhead." I mumble, voice still raspy with sleep. He doesn't answer, and I nearly choke on my toast when his eyes open, revealing dark blues.

He looks at me, before a mischievous smirk plays across his face.
"Why are you in control Delirious? We're not in danger." He laughs insanely sending shivers up my spine.
"Can't I come out to play whenever, little bird?" He leans towards me, and I barely notice that even though Delirious is out, his ears and tail aren't.
"Where are your ears and tail?" I cautiously question. He giggles,
"I don't need them out to take control." He leans into me more, and I creep farther against my chair. He pauses in front of my face, our noses practically touching. I chuckle nervously.
"What are you doing?" He sighs, his breath brushing my face.
"You ask too many questions." He mutters, and I breathe out in relief when he leans back.

"We're leaving, and you can't stop us." Delirious states out of the blue, and I tilt my head in confusion. The hell is he talking about?
"Me and Jonathan are a threat to you guys. As long as we stay here, you'll be attacked by enemy hybrids. This is for the best." He raises from the table, and the shock settles in.
"You can't leave! And we are your best friends! Friends protect friends, and it's not a hindrance." I attempt at reasoning with the crazed individual.
"What about the guilt Jon feels every time he's attacked and ends up dragging you guys into it? He cares too much about you people, and if anyone got hurt because of him, he wouldn't live it down. He puts you guys before himself always, and that is what will lead to his demise. I won't let that happen." Delirious counters firmly. Maybe he is right, but I won't let my raccoon get away.

"I won't let you leave. We can show you that we can handle ourselves. Jonathan doesn't have to worry about us." I challenge, and he gazes at me curiously.
"How do you plan on doing that? None of the guys have even agreed to this yet." I give a lopsided grin.
"It's not that hard."
Within minutes, everyone is gathered in the kitchen and ready to go.
"So we're going to challenge Delirious, and if we beat him, he will have no choice but to stay with us." I explain as we huddle from earshot of the crazy raccoon.
"I don't know Evan, how are we supposed to beat that? Delirious is a killing machine." Nogla contemplates.
"We won't lose to him, I'll make sure we won't." I declare, and Mini begins chuckling.
"So you're going  to use your special abilities to keep little Jon in your arms." He teases, and my face flushes.
"No! Those aren't my intentions!"
"Ohhhh I get it now, sure we'll help." Marcel pitches in as I continue to protest. I groan loudly as the others laugh. Jerks.

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