Baby Food Fights

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I was starting to get a little annoyed with Rory. I eventually caved in considering he wouldn't leave me alone. I mean don't get me wrong, I liked the protection, but he was just like the other jocks. Everything he did was for himself, not others. He somehow made protecting me seem selfish. I was trying to show him that I didn't want to be friends.

I was walking past the football field and the boys were practicing their kicks. Rory saw me and starting jogging over to me. Great.

"Hey do you need someone to walk you home?"

"I don't need a babysitter, Rory"

"Hey, I didn't mean it like that"

"Well, it sure did seem like that"

"Come here" he takes my wrist and walks me behind the bleachers.

He surveys the area to make sure we're alone. "What is wrong with you? I'm only trying to protect you"

"That's the thing. You're protecting me. I don't need protection"

"Yeah well tell that to the scar on your face. Or those bruises on your neck"

"Why do you care about my protection anyways? You're only doing this for yourself"

"No, I'm not"

"Oh really then why do you protect me?"

I think I answered my own question because our conversation got eerily quiet and Rory sheepishly looked at his feet.

"Listen Rory, you can't. I'll only end up hurting you"

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Rory says rather hastily.

"I'm sorry Rory, I don't"

"That's what I thought"

"You should get back to practice. The coach probably needs you. "

We both wince at the blaring sound of a coach's whistle. Rory walks back to practice. I make my way home.
I walk into the trash yard I call home.

Our kitchen is a wreck. So is our living room, and the bathroom, and the laundry room.

My parents are arguing about lord knows what. They only really worry about themselves so I pretty much take care of my siblings. I have two younger brothers. Finnian, a very playful 7 year old and Devin, a little 14 month old munchkin.

I take a pack of baby food from the pantry and start to feed Devin. I'm trying to pacify him, but my parents' yelling isn't really helping. My mom throws a plate and almost hits the window. My dad storms out, but he'll be back. He always comes back, After 2 or 3 days away from mom.

Mom stands up. "Why are you still feeding the baby? We have an issue here. Your dad just left"

"Someone needs to feed the baby. Plus, he'll be back in a couple days like he always does"

"Not this time, sweetie. It's different this time" she said sweetie like she was talking to a cockroach. Her mouth full of disgust.

"No it's not. Dad could never leave us"

"DID YOU HEAR ME!!? HE'S NOT COMUNG BACK" she withdraws her anger. "Go to your room"



"No, I haven't finished feeding Devin yet"

My mom claws my arm and I try to resist. She gets me off my chair but I fall to the ground, which only results in her claws sliding down my arm and producing new soon-to-be scars. I grimace in pain. I use all my force to stay in place but she takes a dirty frying pan and chucks it at my head. Not until then do I obey and go to my room angrily. I slam my door shut and throw myself on my bed. I cry for a couple minutes before I realize I should bandage my arm. After that, I do my homework.

About 30 minutes later. I get a knock at my window. I open my curtains and see Rory's face looking back at me. I immediately shut the curtains and sit back down on my bed. I start to hear Rory's muffled voice talking.

"C'mon Rowan, I need to ask you something important"

I groan and reopen the blinds. "What do you want?

"Do you have a bike?"

"Wow slow down there. I'm not sure I want to share something that personal."

He smiles and laughs. "No I'm serious."

I hear my mom's footsteps charge down the hallway. "ROWAN ELIZABETH COOPER. WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY ROOM!!!!"

"Move move move now" I open the windows and climb outside. I speed walk down the roof until the end and grab the bar of our swing set and dangle a bit before I land on the ground. Just behind Rory. I grab my bike which is right next to the swing set and pedal as fast as I can.


I look at Rory and he's laughing, and I start to laugh to. It's not too often I escape the wrath of my mother.

I'm not sure where we're going so I let Rory take the lead. Plus it's almost dark out and he has a headlight for his bike. We stop by a gas station  Rory gets us soda, pizza, and candy. I let him put it in my backpack and we continue to ride.

We ride for a while before we stop by this run down building. He looks back at me and shushes me. We sneak around the corner and dodge a couple of other people outside. He opens the door and leads me up about 4 flights of stairs. We get up to the rooftop.

We set up the food and start to eat.
"What was that whole thing with your mother?" He cocks an eyebrow while he takes a bite of his pizza.

"Oh, I kind of whacked a baseball bat everywhere in her room"

He looks at me with disbelief. "No, not you. You seem so quiet and reserved"

I punch his arm. "Hey, I need to put all my anger somewhere. Anyways, she deserved it. I basically raise my siblings. Yet, she treats me like crap"

"Why don't you report her?"

"And what, get sent to a foster home. Become separated from Finnian and Devin? No thank you"

"Rowan, if you ever need anything-"

"I'm okay."

It looks as if he was about to say something thing but decided against it. I layed down. He layed down, too.

"Look at the stars. How could something so far away be so beautiful?"

"I bet they're even more beautiful up close"

" I doubt it. Nothing is beautiful up close"

I started to drift asleep. The last thing I remember is the touch of Rory's lips on my forehead.

Rory's POV:
"I doubt it. Nothing is beautiful up close"

I look at her. You're beautiful up close.
I kiss her forehead even though now she's probably asleep.

I mouth the words.

I love you.

A/n: yay! 2nd chapter. Yes, I'm aware I've taken forever to update. This girl has the schools. Ok I'll hopefully update soon!<3

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