Shakespeare Himself Would be Proud

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Rory hands me a coffee as I try to wake up. Sleeping on cement isn't really the most comfortable, even with blankets.

"Hey chances are this whole thing won't be over by Monday. My mom works at 11. Want to sneak into my house and get my wallet?"

Rory takes a sip of his coffee. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Oh yeah. I'd risk it if it meant that I'd get my wallet"

Rory stood up and held out his hand. "Ok, let's do it"


We lowered the pace of our bikes as we approach my house. I tell Rory to wait outside and start the climb to my bedroom window.

Once I reach my window, I open it and crouch inside. I grab my backpack and head out the window. I start down the roof and I slip on something. Everything is blurry. Although, everything is incredibly slow too. My heart, my hair, my scream. I hit the ground and suddenly can't breathe. Rory, who has seemed to rush over from the street where he was waiting, is now cradling me in his arms. He yells for my brother to call 911.

Rory lowers his head and says in my ear, "Everything will be all right"

That's the last thing I remember.


I wake up to the sound of medical equipment. To the left of me is a nurse, with blonde hair and one of those "I help endangered baby tigers" smiles. To the right of me is Rory. He's holding my hand and looking at me weird. Stop doing that you little creep.

Rory kisses my forehead. "Oh thank goodness, I'd never think you would have woken up"

"How long have I been out"

"3 days"

"3 days? What happened?"

"You don't remember? You fell off the roof"

The Nurse put something into my IV. She said, "You took quite the fall. You have 3 broken ribs, and a mild concussion"

I look over at Rory. "Wait. How am I going to pay for all of this? My mom certainly won't, and who knows where my dad is."

"You just fell off a roof, and you're worried about who's going to pay your medical expenses?"

"Yes. Rory, what am I supposed to do?"

He chuckles with a wicked grin. "Oh Rowan, only you. Your dad is outside signing some papers. He came in a couple of hours ago"

I jerk up with excitement. "Can I see him?" My head starts throbbing and I feel rather dizzy. I slowly begin to lean to one side.

Rory catches my head and lays me gently back on the hospital bed. "Woah. Slow down there"

I grimace at him. "I don't like all this babying. I'm fine, really."

"No you're not, and you're gonna have to get used to all this babying"

"Just bring my dad in" I say with disgust.

Rory cocks an eyebrow before he moves.


Rory gives in and heads outside to get my dad.

The nurse looks back at me. "You know, your boyfriend is only trying to help you"

I snicker. "He is not my boyfriend. We barely know each other"

She looks at me surprised. "Really? He barely left that seat for the past three days. Listen, I'm no expert on love or anything, but I think you got yourself a keeper"


"If you need anything else, let me know" She left the room.

The nurse really made me think. I thought that love at first sight didn't exist. I mean it couldn't possibly. It just doesn't seem plausible. We've only known each other for a little over a month. I have no idea who he is. Not one clue. Yet, somehow, he's supposedly in love with me? But how? He doesn't know anything about me either.

Rory came back into the room. "He still has some stuff to fill out. He said he'll come in about 10 minutes'


The nurse came back in with some papers. "Okay young lady, you haven't eaten a thing in 3 days. What would you like?" She handed me the menu. I skimmed over the options.

"I Think I'll have the Chicken and mashed potatoes with...Ooo! some mac and cheese. Do you have any salads?"

"Jeez, hungry much?"

I punch Rory's arm. "Hey, you try not eating for 3 days"

"I'll take your menu. Supper is in 20 minutes, so it'll be here then"

Before the nurse can get my menu, Rory snatches it out of my hands. He looks over the menu and imitates his best snooty waiter accent. "Ah yes, what a good selection. Some of our best cuisine. The chef is so honored to serve such a guest here tonight. "

I die of laughter. Not because of Rory, but because of the nurse. She has the most dumbfounded look on her face. She still has her hand out as if the menu was still in mine.

She strides over and rips the menu out of Rory's slimy hands. She looked if she was about to smack Rory across the face.

"You little goofball" She bonks the menu on Rory's head.

"I'll be back. Try not to get into any trouble you two" She Closes the door behind her.

"That was an interesting performance"

He glided into the stool next to my bed. Again with the accent, " I'm glad you enjoyed it" He kissed my hand.

I put on an accent myself. "Why darling, it was brilliant! Shakespeare himself would be proud" we both erupt into giggles.

Both of our laughters died and now we were both just staring at each other. I realized something. Maybe love at first sight isn't real. Maybe it's knowing that in the future, you know that you'll both fall in love for each other.

I know now.

A/n: Thanks for reading! Excuse me if my medical writing isn't accurate, I'm not an expert.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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