Chapter 9

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The words kept repeating in your head. "ONE DAY I WILL KILL YOU Y/N L/N!" Kept replaying until I remember something else she said "WHEN I GET THE POWER!" She will kill me when she gets the power? Huh?

I shook my head making the words go away. I suddenly got this urge of.... Of something... Something I never felt... Revenge? Ah yes! And maybe also betrayal? Hmm... These words seem like things I want to feel and want other people to feel... Who will I do revenge on? Maybe.. MY FATHER! YES! HE WILL PAY FOR BEATING ME! HE WILL FEEL WHAT I FELT! HE WILL SUFFER!!!! And betrayal... Now who could I betray? I know exactly who... I get up and walk out of the hospital room and see that the hospital is deserted... Hmm... I wonder what happened? Heh maybe a killing spree! I walk out smirking crazily and get glares from people. Right when someone stares at me, I stare daggers right at them making them look away scared or whimper and run... People are such cowards these days... I finally walk and walk until I reach my house. I peek through the window and don't see my father. I try opening the door and to my surprise, it's unlocked. Guess he must be home! Hahahah!!! I tiptoe inside to the kitchen and was going to take a butcher knife but see its gone... I slowly walk to my father's room to only see something horrifying... My father had a butcher knife in his side and he wrote something. He wrote 'Im sorry Y/N' on his side. It looks like it was recent... I WANTED TO DO THAT! I take the butcher knife and stab him in the heart... Heh, I guess he was still breathing because when I took it out I heard him whimper... You cowardly father... I walk to my room, take a belt and attach something so I can put my butcher knife on it. I found something and it took me about 5 minutes to fashionize the belt. I put the butcher knife on it and looked at myself in the mirror. "I look goood~" I say happy at my belt. "Now to take off this hospital robe.. UGH!" I look in my closet and pick an outfit. I was wearing a striped shirt that was black and F/C (Favorite Color), a jean vest, a black skirt with black tights and combat boots. I was happy with my outfit. Now for someone to feel betrayal. I was going down the stairs until my vision started to get blurry. "NOT NOW! I WAS GOING TO KILL!" I whined. I then fainted and felt my body tumble down the stairs. Yikes, that's gonna hurt later...


I awoke on the grass of some house. Luckily, I still had my outfit and of course my weapon. I got up and hid my butcher knife under my vest. I walked up to the door but before I was going to knock, I heard 4 voices... 2 girls and 2 boys... Wait.... I peek through the window and saw the one and only Zoella!!!! And Alfie! With Joe and Louise! I think that Joe is Zoella's brother right? His last name is Sugg... Nevermind that! They can't see me come in... Let's see... What can I do to go in unseen? Aha! There is vines on the side of the house! I was always good at parkour! Now... I can go through the window... I climbed the vines and climbed through the window. "Stupid guys... Leaving the window unlocked..." I mumble not loud enough for people to hear. I tiptoe around the house until I see a staircase. I peek my head out from the wall and see that they are filming a video... A challenge?! Hmm... I guess I will wait till they come up... I hid in a bathroom and surprisingly found some sort of liquid that will put you sound asleep. I found a cloth and put it on it and hit behind the door. After a couple of minutes, I heard footsteps coming and then the door opened and it was Louise. I put the cloth on her mouth at the same time that I close the door. I took my hatchet and slashed my name on her stomach and then slicing where her heart is, killing her instantly. I threw her lifeless body out of the window, waiting for a thump but it never came. I looked out the window to see that her body got stuck in a tree. Great! Just what I needed... I just huffed and hit back behind the door, closing the window before hiding and moping the blood. I heard footsteps and knocking. "Louise? Are you okay?" The person says. I am guessing it's Joe because it's a boys voice. I could be wrong and it could be Alfie. The door opens slowly and the guy walks in. I quickly put the cloth on his mouth and close the door seconds after. I took my butcher knife and wrote my name on his forehead. I chuckled evily not loud as to alarm anyone. I then take my knife and stab it in his jaw going down his neck to his heart. I suddenly felt no more pulse. I took his lifeless body one more time, but this time, instead of throwing him outside the window, I put him in the bathtub, making a bloodbath. I moped the blood up and hid behind the door again. I had an idea of opening the window so the next person to come in would look out the window. The next person that opened the door was Alfie. He knocked for about 2 minutes until coming in. He rushed to the window and I slowly closed the door and tiptoed behind him. He turned to run out but I put the cloth on his mouth before he could scream. I saw the fear in his eyes as he slowly closed them. He fainted shortly after his eyes closed. I wrote 'It takes the sadness of life to appreciate the beauty of death' on his stomach and laid him right on front of the window, his stomach showing and his eyes wide open. I hear footsteps and then Zoella comes in and sees Alfie. She runs to Alfie and reads whats on his stomach. She looks outside and sees Louise dead on the tree. She opens the shower curtain and sees her brother and reads my name. I then put my butcher knife at her neck. "Lights out" I whisper in her ear and then cut her neck. "Oh look at this! A perfect family..." I say smiling insanely at the sight of the bodies. I then go downstairs and see that the camera is still rolling. I go in front of it and smirk evily. "Lights out!" I say hitting the camera. It them falls to the floor and I kneel next to it, my face at the camera, the broken glass next to my feet. I smirk and close the camera, plug it into a computer and upload it.


I woke from my beautiful dream and then my head hurt. I forgot I tumbled down the stairs after I fainted. I get up and walk outside. "What a beautiful day.." You say, smiling wide making your cheeks hurt.


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