Chapter 5

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While playing on Kana's phone, you forgot she was sleeping and started watching videos with the sound up and you searched 'How to gt rid of 'Demon' inside you head'. While searching you saw one that caught your eye. The picture showed a girl with brown hair and blue eyes with tanned skin. You pressed and was traumatized by the sight you saw. The girl that once had brown hair was now pale with red eyes and black hair. She speaked in a demonic voice and said "Nothing can ever get rid of me! I am now the one controlling this body!" You were shaking knowing that the demon had succeeded to kill that poor girl in her dreams. You then notice that the person is locked with chains and is trying to escape. You start shaking and you suddenly see a person in the video next to the demonic girl. He has a golden dagger and he starts cutting crosses on the girl's arm. The girl screams in pain but then turns switches back to normal then back to the demonic figure she became. She switched between the two a lot until the guy cutting crosses on her other arm. She skreeches in pain then turns back to normal. Then the electricity in the hospital starts to bug and you hear the demon in your head. "YOU CANNOT GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY YOU PUNY GIRL!" He scream. I suddenly feel dizzy and faint. Or as your 'Demon' would say it, going into his world of NIGHTMARES.


You wake up on the grass. For a reason, right when you open your eyes, you think of Minecraft. You look around and suddenly see a group of people walking in the distance. Is it... No... IT CAN'T BE!!! You then see their face clearly. Of course its them. Team crafted... UGH! WHY THEM! MY MINECRAFT IDOLS! I can't let them see me. I then let out a sigh that I guess was very loud because they heard me. They turn towards me and I see right when they see me, they turn into their insane self. This is going to be bad. VERY bad... They start walking towards you twitching. You suddenly notice one is missing. "WHERES SETO?!" you scream to yourself. You then feel a sharp pain on your right leg and see its... On fire? Huh? Oh wait. SETO IS A SORCERER! DUHHH! I then start running to water to cool of. I then run through the woods that were behind me and see an oasis. PERFECT! You run to it and jump in it and swim to behind the oasis. You then take out bandages from your inventory (Your backpack cx ) and you wrap them around your burns. You then find a sword that appeared out of nowhere. "THANK YOU GOD! ♥" You whisper. You then look out of the oasis and see them looking around. Then the mudkip jumps out of the water in front of you. You see he was going to call his friends so you slam the sword into his heart. He then turns to normal then you see a tear slid down his cheek. You feel bad but you need to kill them. You take your sword out and look out of the oasis one more time to see that they aren't there. You then hear something on top of you and then they all jump in front of you. You gasp from the surprise and then you see them turn back to normal and run to the mudkip. They then all say in unison "You.. Will... PAY!!" They then turn to their insane sides. "Bring it on!" You say with a smirk. They then come at you one at a time. First was the astronaut, it wasn't easy to kill him because of his armor so you hit his helmet and it came off so you slit his throat. Then was the guy with headphones. Heh. I think he was the easiest one to kill. You stabbed him in the heart like you did to his fish friend. With each kill you felt bad but also good. For a reason, you liked killing. Soon after killing, there was one left. The leader of the group I think? He was wearing an amulet and had glasses. He was harder to kill. Why? Because he had more training then the others. You stabbed him multiple time but he kept swinging his golden sword. You then had an idea. Why not drown him? You cut one of his legs and one of his arms and push him into the water. You looked at your reflexion in the water. You looked horrific. You had blood all over yourself. You suddenly felt like being watched so you turn around and slashed your sword in the air and hit someone. You turned to see Seto! You forgot about him. You then see he is crying. "Why did you do this to us?" he asks while slowly dying in pain. "I am sorry.." You say back a him and tears streaming down your cheek. You look around horrified at the scene. You then sob until you couldn't anymore.


You woke up crying to see that Kana was gone. You got up from your bed to only see no one. You slowly walk to the next room and are horrified by the scene. Blood everywhere but someone is still alive hiding in the corner. "Are you okay?" I ask the poor child. He looks at me and screams. "Please don't hurt me like you did to my family!" he says crying. I then look at my hand and see a bloody knife. You scream and drop it. "You like what I did? Are you satisfied?" The demon says...


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