Chapter 8

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That can't be me can it? No! It can't be! It doesn't even look like me! Is this what ive become? Wait... Am I turning into the demon? No... Is this bad? My demon hasn't been talking lately... Maybe she is sleeping... I will take this time to search online.


After my research that was about 30 minutes, I got enough information to know that the demon in my head is a deceased person looking for revenge. I looked more into who my demon is and it looks like her name is Willow Crane. She had black hair, a red eye and the other one was just white. ALL white. She died in prison! She suicided? SHE HANGED HERSELF?! Thats just awful... She was a killer... She killed people because she was abused as a child? Like me... I wonder where my father is... I REALLY don't want to see him... "Hello? Anyoone here?" I said in my head. "UGH YOU JUST WOKE ME UP! SON OF A GUN!" She screamed, her voice echoing in my head. It hurts soooo bad... "Ugh.... Sooo Willow... Why did you suicide?" I asked her. She suddenly gasped. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!" She screams, making my head hurt once more. "Calm DOWN! IF YOU KEEP SCREAMING I WONT TELL YOU!" I screamed as loud as her. I heard her huff and I mentally smirked. "Now. I looked you up and saw that we have things in common." I said plainly. "Like what... "She said a little confused. "Both of us were abused by our parents... I considered suicide too but my friend Kana stopped me... I had no one in my life that understood me and I was just constantly cutting... I was constantly being bullied at school for being a loner. Then one day, my dad was drunk and stabbed me and this is where everything started." I said fighting back tears. I heard sobbing in my head. "M-My parents c-constantly abused m-me for having d-disabilities... One night, I-I was so t-tired of them t-that I k-killed them... Both... And then I went to p-prison and couldn't take it anymore, s-so I suicided. Then, a-after being stuck in h-hell for about 2 years, Satan t-told me about t-taking over bodies and I d-did the spell and landed o-on you... And I can't stop t-this... So one of us dies both ways..." She says and says the last part evily. "You still want me to die don't you." I said sadly. "Yep! Lights out!" She said happily as I blacked out.


You awoke with your head throbbing. Ugh... She screamed again before I blacked out... WHY DOES SHE SCREAM! Ugh... I better stop yelling at myself and making this worst. I looked around the room looking to see where I was. I was in a bedroom?! I got off the bed and slowly made my way to the door. You opened it slightly and looked to see people playing a game with dares?! Huh... I watched as they made the stupidest dares and at the end someone earned what seemed to be a ball... WAIT IM IN NIGAHIGA'S HOUSE?! OH MA GAWD IM IN RYAN HIGA'S HOUUUSE! WOOP WOOP!! Oh I forgot... I have to kill him... UGH! MAKE IT STOP! LETS JUST GET THIS OVER WITH! I waited till everyone left and then I searched the room for something to attack but suddenly got hit on the head and blacked out. I woke up in a garage... ( I DUNNO IF HE HAS ONE BUT BEAR WITH ME! EH?) Next to me was garbage bags and a shovel... I looked around the garage and decided to get up. While getting up, I heard footsteps coming towards the garage so I layed back down quickly and closed my eyes. I slightly opened one to see Ryan just staring at me (AND STILL NOT LIKE THAT JEEZ) and I quickly shut it. I heard him walk away and come back whit a blanket and put it over my whole body including my head. I heard him walk away and I also heard a door shut. I took the blanket off my head, got up and looked around for stuff to put under the blanket so it looked like I was still under it. I found a lot of stuff to put under and I placed everything and I was surprised to see that it looked like a body. I hit next to the door so when the door opens, it hides me. I took a samurai sword that was surprinsingly in the garage and hid. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door. I prepared myself to attack. The moment the door opened, I see him with gardening clothes and gloves. I came out from the door and stabbed him in the back where his heart was and I saw his heart on the sword as I stabbed him. I took the sword out and the heart fell... Why did this feel so good? UGH! WHY DO I WANNA KILL SO BAD? I then feel dizzy and fainted, falling on the cold, hard cement.


I woke up from a scream in my head. " WHY DID YOU KILL HIM! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! HE HIT YOU IN THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER! UGH! THESE YOUTUBERS ARE WORTHLESS! ONE DAY I WILL BE THE ONE TO KILL YOU! I SWEAR WHEN I HAVE THE POWER, I WILL KILL YOU Y/N L/N (Your name / Last name) !" She screams and surprinsingly my head doesn't hurt. 


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