Chapter Seven

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I shove my still-life sketchy into my binder and quickly grab my things and head out.

"H-hey! Hannah!" I turn my head and see Daniel trying to catch up with me as he pushes his way through the crowd. "Why'd you push outta of there so fast?"

"Oh, just heading to English, y'know," I speed walk through the halls and turn down the English wing as Daniel trails behind trying to keep up.

"I've never seen anyone in such a rush to get to English." He raises a brow and then smirks, "Oh, I get it. Mr. Sexy is the the reason behind this.

I reply with a punch to his arm and he gives me an overdramatic hurt look, "I have to go to class now. Bye." I twirl around and head into the familiar class room.

"You love me," he calls after me and I shake my head with a grin.

I scan the room for Benedict but he was no where to be found. I continue to scan and my eyes fall upon Cameron who was laughing with some of his friends on the other side of the room. His eye catches mine and I'm quick to look away and head to my seat.

I open my binder and flip to my notes of 'The Minority Report'. I begin to highlight some key points and someone slides into the empty desk next to mine. I look up and see Cameron pulling out his booklet as the final bell rings. I look at him with a raised brow because his seat was on the whole other side of class.

My confusion is cut short when Benedict comes striding in with a stack of papers in hand. "My apologies everyone, I had a little problem with the printer... as you can see," he gestures to the ink on his fingers and smudges on his shirt. Students chuckle and I watch some girls whisper to each other in the back corner. I squint my eyes and see that Andi is the ring leader of the conversation. I frown and look back towards Benedict with slight jealousy. His eyes lock with mine and I form a smile and he replied with a cute grin. Nobody seemed to see the little exchange between us due to them starting up conversations again.

Benedict snaps his fingers to regain the classes attention. "You see these?" He waves the papers in the air, "They're permission forms for a trip." There's some happy hollering from the crowd. "Don't get your hopes up. It's for a Romeo and Juliet play," A bunch of guys groan and slump in their seats but I continue to look intrigued.

"How much?" a student asks.

"Around fifty dollars. To cover the actual play and bus. You should be happy though, it could've been a lot more but lucky for you, Mr. Cumberbatch has some connections with the theatre." He grins and starts to hand out the permission forms, leaving out some boys who were not interested one bit.

He hands me the piece of paper, "Hope you'll be in attendance, Hannah." He says with slight seduction laced in his voice.

"Of course. I would never miss a good ol'Shakespeare production." I smile and look down at the paper as he continues to hand out the rest of the forms.

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