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"Who you gonna call?"

The thunder of the night sky rolled on, as it had done for several hours now, rain falling from the sky beating down on the good people of New York city. China town lit up everyday like it was Christmas, bright lights of every color adorning each and every door way, doorways that tonight were full of people gathering from the storm, gathering to try their very best to stay dry. Then just as the rain, the horrible weather seemed to subside, a little at least and then a crash of thunder, lightning lit up the sky and once again, the heavens opened and rain poured from the sky above.

Two miles north sat one of the oldest buildings in New York, it was once a cinema until the downturn of the eighties when too few people visited such a venue, preferring to stay at home and watch on vhs. It was then turned into a retirement home. It was one of those buildings you could see from the outside that it used to be something else, and looking at the building it wasn't hard to see what. The home housed just over thirty elderly people, thirty people that either had no family to speak of or family that was not interested in housing them. Thirty people that shared the love of similar music and bingo, bingo though was Saturday night and tonight was a Tuesday and Tuesday was the night Velma took it upon herself to read the future, the limited future of her fellow residents.

Velma sat at the table, surrounded by four of her friends, eager to hear the wisdom, the insight that Velma was about to show them. Velma dimmed the lights and proceeded to sit in her worn wooden chair that had clearly seen better days. Waving her hands over a old yellow glass paper weight, that she used as a crystal ball. Her four friends leaned in closer, waiting to hear their names, waiting to hear the names of their beloved that had passed over to another realm.

Velma lifted her glasses off her chest that she kept on thin string to stop her losing them as she did once too often, she slipped the glasses on and looked into the ball. Velma claimed to be one of the worlds best psychic's, yet had sadly yet been able to get anything correct, he powers amounted to 'your grandfather says he loves you' which for her seemed to work a treat, everyone had a grandfather, chances are he loved you and if you were as old as these people there's very good odds he's dead.

Velma frowned as her face drained of all color at what she could see, her eyes danced from around the room, barely making contact with each of her old friends. Her fingers, her frail old fingers digged into the table, fake finger nails she had self applied only days before snapping off under the pressure of her clawing. Her lips started to turn a blue hue and through her breathless wheezes, she whispered.


Her friends looked at each other, panicking as to what to do next, a old gentleman stepped up, reaching for his cane he shuffled out of the room to get help. Velma became more breathless, gasping for air, her hands now gripping her chest. Tears rolled down her face as she wheezed once more, her left hand quickly grasped out for her female friend to the side of her, Velma grabbed her friends wrist, digging in what remaining fingernails she had, the friend scared letting out a yelp. Then once again she whispered,


Velma slumped into her chair, her grip on her friend no more. Two of the retirement home nurses rushed into the room to help Velma, but it was too late, Velma was dead.

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