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Ray lay under ecto 1, his fingers covered in oil as peter walked past, though Ray could only see Peters shoes.

'You see ray, if we had actually hired Somme help around here, you wouldn't have to do that' smiled Peter essentially talking to Rays boots. Egon looked up from his book over to Peter.

'We did Peter remember, we hired that girl Madison, but we had to let her go' groaned Egon.

Peter looked from rays boots to Egon, perched on the edge of Janine's desk 'I liked Marion too'

'Madison' Egon corrected.

'Yeah her too' nodded Peter passing Ray a wrench.

'Well you weren't too keen, when she opened the containment unit, freeing 400 of the ghosts as keeping them captured was, in her words, cruel to their undead rights' smiled Egon.

Peter looked at Egon, trying to think of something witty to say, but nothing was coming, until,

' yeah I remember her now, oh she was bad, but least she was not as terrible as Ray's mom, may she rest in peace'

Ray rolled out from the car, oil on his face, frowning 'Peter, my moms not dead?'

Peter got down to Ray's level, patting him on the shoulder in a blasé and just ever so slightly patronising way

'I know she's not Ray, I know she's not' Peter smiled. He had barely finished saying his words when the doors swung open, a tall gangly thin frame blocking the light from the mid afternoon sun, Tom.

'Are you guys the ghostbusters?' He gasped, sweat pouring from his forehead clearly out of breath as if he ran all the way there. Peter walked over to Tom, holding his hand out to shake it.

'Are we the ghostbusters? Is there still that big sign outside? its like a red circle, ghost trying to escape it, on a basic level a no ghosts sign' peter quipped. Tom nodded to Peter as Peter turned to Egon.

'Well buddy, I guess we are the ghostbusters then'

Tom smiled, wiping sweat from his brow as Egon approached him 'Hello I'm Dr. Egon Spengler, did you run here?'

Tom nodded again, still trying to catch his breath, his mouth still too dry to speak. Peter placed his hand on Tom's shoulder.

'You know, we in new York have these amazing things called taxis, you should try one next time you need to get somewhere and you'd like to turn up, how shall I say this? Noir dripping everywhere and half dead' Peter smiled.

Egon moved closer, clearly excited 'if he was more than half dead, we'd have to bust him'

Egon looked around, first at Peter, then at Ray, then over to Tom Then finally back to Peter again. Peter started to clap, a rather pathetic clap.

'Doctor Egon Spengler there, he's here all week try the veal' joked Peter before turning back to Tom 'how can we help you pal?'

Tom looked up from his shoes 'I think something is following me, something not of this world? Its telling me I am the chosen one?'

Egon grabbed a P.K.E. meter and moved it around Toms body, looking for something, anything that could show he had a been in contact with a entity, that could show a paranormal incident.

'Does the voice give you a name?' Asked Egon.

Tom shook his head 'it just repeats I am the chosen one, that it knows I can hear it'

Rays voice echoed from under ecto 1, though all was visible of him was his lower half, he had been listening to the conversation 'is the voice male or female?' Ray asked. Tom looked over to Ray's boots, the second conversation they had that day.

'Male, it's a man' Tom whispered.

Egon put his P.K.E. meter away. 'Its reading a nil' Tom started to panic 'I'm not lying' Peter reassuringly patted Tom on the back 'no ones saying you're a liar son'

'Get in ecto 1, we'll take a look at your apartment, and if nothing turns up I can put you in contact with a good psychologist'

Peter turned to Egon 'nice Egon, real smooth'

Ghostbusters 3Where stories live. Discover now