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Ecto 1 squealed as it parked up out side Toms fathers home, whatever Ray was trying to fix, he had not accomplished. Leaving Ray and Winston back at H.Q. peter, Egon and Tom stepped out of the car, peter glanced over to Egon.

'You gonna scan it with the P.K.E. Egon?'

Egon nodded 'I scan everything'

'Everything?' Asked Peter thoughtfully.

Egon nodded 'everything'

Tom led them inside, Egon scanning everything, every step of the way, Tom pulled the door to the basement and turned to Peter and Egon 'I live down here, this is where I last heard the voice'

The two ghostbuster's followed down the stairs into the dark basement, flicking a switch to the side Peter looked around sat the larger than average basement complete with old television set and battered old couch.

'Nice, place you got here Tom' whispered Venkman, wiping his finger across a wooden side then brushing the dust of his finger. Spengler continued to scan, waving his device around the television set that Tom claimed spoke to him earlier ' does your family have any history of psychotic episodes, metal health problems, delusions or visions?' Asked Spengler, looking up momentarily from his scanning.

Tom looked at Egon, he knew the answer but didn't want to say but knew he had to.

'My dads sister, my aunt, she's in a mental institution somewhere, she believed her womb was a vortex to another dimension, or it held another dimension, something like that?'

Egon looked back to his meter 'I understand' the Meyer was once again reading zero.

Tom rushed over to Egon, a urgency in his body language, desperation in his voice 'I'm not like her, I know what's real and I heard a voice, one in the subway, one from the television'

Tom moved over to the plug socket in the wall 'look the plug isn't even.....' Tom paused, looking at the plug, a plug placed in the plug socket, not where he remembered it, not where he left it.

Venkman smiled at Tom, trying to be reassuring as he sat on the edge of Toms battered old couch 'look, we get this all the time, its not that your delusional, its that maybe your friends are playing a trick on you, we get it all the time'

Tom shook his head 'no, no, its not that, I don't have any friends' Peter looked at Tom, with no reply for his comment, no witty comeback, he just couldn't help but feel sorry for him as he headed for the stairs that led out of his basement as Egon rummaged in his pocket for a pen and a ghostbusters business card, he turned it over and scribbled.

'This is the phone number of a good psycologist' Egon smiled, doing his best to be comforting. Tom threw himself on his couch cradling his head in the palms of his hands, muttering to himself.

'I'm not crazy, I'm not'

Venkman and Spengler closed the door gently behind them as Tom continued to sit on the couch, he knew he was not lying, nor crazy but no one seemed to believe him, he stood up and walked over to his fridge, a fridge that no longer had a light inside, he kept meaning to get a bulb for it but never got round to it, but before he even reached the fridge, even before he reached his hand out to open the door.


Whispering behind the sofa, and it was getting Louder.

Tom took a step back, his back banging into his fridge, knocking a old tin onto the floor, the tin rolled behind the couch. Then silence.


Before Tom had time to dodge, flinch, duck the Tim came flying from the back of the sofa, speeding towards Tom until it his him in the chest, a old empty tin, thin tin, lightweight, yet causing so much pain. Tom fell to his knees, keeping his gaze on the sofa. Tom's eyes darted from the sofa to the stairs, he made a run for it, his hand grabbing the hand rail, taking two steps at a time, he reached his hand out for the handle and before he could grasp it the door swung open, hitting Tom straight in the face, the the speed and pressure of the door sent Tom flying down the stairs, landing straight on his stomach.

Tom lay there for a moment, the room spinning, blurry, his mind trying to make sense of what just happened, he looked around trying to work out what was behind the couch, wheat had threw him down the stairs, he was on the floor barely a minute when he could feel something grabbing at his ankles, digging into him, whatever it was it turned him over with no struggle.

It trapped his collar, close to choking him,Tom tried to scream, call to anyone that might be passing, but nothing came out. It listen him of the ground, his legs weak, trying to touch the ground and get away from this invisible force, then it spoke.

'You think you can rid me with those fools?'

Tom strained looking around, there was no one. Tom started to move, levitating towards the mirror on the wall, staring at his own reflection. The room darkened behind him, then as if from the distance of the mirror a bright blue entity, snake
Like creatures moving, twisting in its mouth. Two dark spaces where it should have eyes, it moved to the forefront of the mirror, until it started to leave the confines of the mirror.

Tom started to scream, as he did the snakes entered Toms mouth, and down his throat until the entirety of the entity was inside Tom.

Tom lowered to the floor, he stared into the mirror, a blue glint in his eye as he did up his top button and re adjusted his shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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