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Egon's P.K.E. meter buzzed like it hadn't in a long while, not since the lull of 1990. He, Venkman, Stantz and Zeddemore moved closer to to large wooden door of the old manor,

'She's behind here' whispered Egon, pressing gently on the creaking door handle. Egon swung the door open and there she was, levitating above the floor, a blue and grey entity in a wedding dress. The four men moved closer to her, Egon still staring into the meter, knowing what was in front of him. The ghost looked down at them,

'You shall not enter' she whispered, her voice getting deeper, more angrier with each word.

Zeddemore stepped forward taking the whole of the entity in his gaze.

'She looks like a Halloween decoration in a wig' he whispered in a tone just low enough that the ghost could not hear him. Venkman' turned to his friend frowning,

'When did you last have a date Winston?' Venkman' asked.

'Just over a year ago' reploed Winston, fully expecting a sarcastic reply from Venkman.

'And its no wonder if that's how you speak to women, this is the exact reason you fail at speed dating if you're telling the women they look like the undead in a wig, I mean sure, she's a bit of a fixer upper but come on, I bet she has great eyes' Peter glanced over at the ghost to check her eyes, before looking back at Winston.

'Okay, she's not got any eyes, I stand corrected'

Egon walked around her, her wedding dress waving as if in a breeze, the dress hardly staying on her skeletal frame a body with skin barely stretched over her. Egon looked over to his colleagues,

'She's Edna de laerame, 1844 to 1872, she was set to be married in this very manor, her fiance didn't show up'

Peter shook his head, 'nice guy, sounds like a keeper'

'After she found out he had ran off with her best friend she threw herself down the stairs, so here she waits for him' continued Egon.

Edna lowered herself to Ray's face, looking him deep in the eyes, as she once again started to speak, her jaw barely hanging on,

'You shall not enter, until the other guests arrive'

Ray stepped away from her, from her gaze 'bossy, ain't she' he whispered. Peter nodded from just over rays shoulder,

'Yeah you get the feeling if she did get married she'd be the one wearing the trousers, well she would be if she had any legs' he replied.

Ray switched his proton back on and asked his friends to do the same.

Peter pressed a button on his wand, a beam instantly shot out, wrapping itself around Edna she screamed at him,

'You come to ruin, my wedding, my big day?'

Peter shook his head at her 'sorry honey, but he ain't coming, a little help here guys'

Stantz, Zeddemore and Spengler each switched on their wands, their beams wrapping around her as she pulled to the side, knocking paintings off the wall behind her.

'A trap' called Egon as Ray pushed his below her.

Ray looked at the three men surrounding him 'lower her, lower her'

Each of the men lowered their beams, Edna moving closer to the trap. Stantz pressed the lever with his dirty boot as he did the trap opened beaming at them, lighting the entire room. Edna moved closer her nearly deafening screams reverberating around the room until she was gone.

The doors on the trap slammed shut as a small light flickered at the side. The room fell silent once again, it was as if Edna was never there.

Egon carried the trap from the room, a white vapour pouring from it. They had barely opened the doors when a woman who worked at the manor rushed over to them excitedly, pen and paper in hand, she thrusted them at Venkman, placing them in his hands, the attractive woman smiled at him beautiful face aimed squarely at Venkman,

'Can I have your autograph please?' She beamed.

Venkman smiled smugly to those around him before whispering wryly in Stantz ear 'I've still got it see' just as the attractive girl continued,

'Its for my grandma, she loves you Dr. Venkman'

Venkman scribbled his name across the paper before passing it back to her, just a little defeated,

'Tell your gran I said hi' he smiled as the woman skipped off.

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