The Battle of Petting!!! ((Part 1))

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•small a/n•
I don't have any words, only thing is, sorry for the long wait. Enjoy.

-update- do not watch the video until I can tell you, please.


[Y/N]  = your name
[H/C] = hair colour
[H/L] = hair length
[E/C] = eye colour
[S/C] = soul colour
[F/C] = favourite colour
[F/F] = favourite flavour
(I think dats it)


•Last time•

You tilted your head continuing, as you see another type of sentry station. You were about to ring the bell when suddenly a type of dog monster popped up making you jump in shock.
" Did something move? Was it my imagination? I can only see moving things. If something WAS moving. . . For example, a human. . . I'll make sure it NEVER moves again." You swallowed as your [s/c] was brought out. To yet again another fight. You frowned on terror, looking at the boxes in front of you.

*Doggo blocks the way!


•This time•

*Doggo blocks the way!

Four boxes in front of you shined brightly, Attack, Act, Item and Mercy. Along with the health bar, your name and level.

[Y/N] LV1 HP [              |      ] 14/20
[/ATTACK] [ ❤️ ACT] [@ ITEM] [X MERCY]


❤️ * Doggo


❤️* Check *Pet


*Easily excited by movement.
*Hobbies include: squirrels

You held a strict face laughing slightly reading seeing the hobbies Doggo does. " Don't move an inch!" You being your nervous self stood still. A light blue sword headed towards your direction, you took deep breaths trying to stay calm. It passed through you as you smile.

*Doggo can't seem to find anything

[Y/N] LV1 HP [              |      ] 14/20
[/ATTACK] [ ❤️ ACT] [@ ITEM] [X MERCY]


❤️ * Doggo


* Check ❤️*Pet


*you pet Doggo.

You laugh silently seeing Doggo's behaviour. He barks around," WHAT!!! I'VE BEEN PET!!! PAT? PET? PET? PET? PAT? PAT? POT?" Laughing slightly trying to stay still another light blue sword headed towards your direction, it passed through you.

*Doggo has been pet.

You decided to pet Doggo once again. "WHERE'S THAT COMING FROM!" You laugh and continued to pet Doggo for the longest. " THERE'S NO END TO IT!"
*Pet "WELL, THIS IS THOROUGH!!" *Pet "OK. That's enough." You've decided to stop, and spare Doggo.

* Doggo has been pet

     [Y/N]     LV1     HP [  |                ] 02/20
[/ATTACK] [川 ACT] [@ ITEM] [❤️ MERCY]

❤️* Spare


*You earned 0 XP and 30 gold.


You smile as your soul returned back to its rightful place. You looked back at Doggo. "S-S-S-Something pet me. . . Something that isn't m-m-moving. . . I'm gonna need some dog treats for this!!!" You smiled at Doggo and left him be. Walking down the snowy path you spotted some dog treats on the floor.
(Someone's been smoking dog treats.)


You laugh at that and continue on spotting Sans in the distance, you're cheeks flush slightly seeing the familiar punny(hah!) skeleton. You wave looking at sans,"hey, here's something important to remember. my brother has a very special attack. if you see a blue attack, don't move and it won't hurt you. here's an easy way to keep it in mind. imagine a stop sign. when you see a stop sign, you stop, right? stop signs are red. so imagine a blue stop signs instead. simple, right? when fighting, think about blue stop signs." And with that he gave you an even wider smile and a wink. You smiled nodding. You continued on slipping until reaching a small patch with a sign in the middle. You looked up at the sign.
*North: Ice
*South: Ice
*West: Ice
You tilted your head looking more at the sign.
*East: Snowdin town(. . . and ice)
You laughed deciding to head north. As you went up you met up with a snowman.
"Hello. I am a snowman. I want to see the world. . . But I cannot move. If you would be so kind, traveler, please. . . Take a piece of me and bring it very far away." You smiled sad of why he cannot move, but glad enough to help it." Why of course. I would be glad to!" The snowman smiled(even if it already was)"Thank you. . . And good luck!"
*(You got the Snowman Piece)

As you left and continued forward to Snowdin town. You gaze upon the two brothers.
(I am actually quiet lazy, and instead watch the video above. Sorry, I was in a hurry))


Well sorry again, I didn't really have enough time to look into each video to see the dialogue. Another thing is sorry it's so short... But I hoped you all like it.

NOTE: I have read most of your comments and seen a common question. When will error show up?
My answer: I don't want to spoil much, but he or you will encounter him in Monday's 2nd update(since this is technically the first) and Tuesday's update.

Another thing I like to do is answer your guys questions. You you want to ask please do. Tell me if I'm missing something or if I should try one thing or the other. That'll be great, but ask questions in the newest update and hopefully if not to personal, or spoiler enough(?) I'll answer them as best I could.

I do not own undertale or you. Some artwork I'll show are mine but, most would probably be someone else's, I give credit!! Now the story I own, ok.

Thank you for reading , anyways comment, like, and share if you want to. I'm not forcing you.

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