Snapping and Cracking

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•small a/n•
Hey there, there's not much to say but that blueberry is alright and you might get revenge... Depending of you guys. Sorry for taking so long, heh whoops kinda forgot about this but from my mail getting overflowed with stuff about wattpad then it just triggered XD. Anyways Thanks for all the support and enjoy.


[Y/N]  = your name
[H/C] = hair colour
[H/L] = hair length
[E/C] = eye colour
[S/C] = soul colour
[F/C] = favourite colour
[F/F] = favourite flavour
(I think dats it)


•Last time•

You can reset right? You've seen the button before. You tried your best to try to get that same screen up. You've done it before with those weird looking stars, maybe you can make one appear without one. As you ran you felt strings wrap around your soul and body, as they lifted you up."Not so fast," Error laughed, moving his arm." NONONONONONONO!!" You struggled and kicked, letting Error know exactly how you felt about the situation. "Stop struggling already. It only makes things harder," He chuckled, crossing his arms. You glared at him as he put his hand on your cheek, his teeth crashed onto your lips, but you held steady and turned your head away. "Shame," Error said. "Oh well, you have plenty of time to get used to me..."


•This time•

To everything that happened yesterday you seemed to have gone over the line, you had just woken up in your room and sighed. After getting up once again you decide to take another stroll, at least that's what you think. You continued to walk in the endless void of whiteness. You spot blueberry again, remembering the event that just happened made a shiver crawl down your spine. You pull out some bandages from your bag, and rush to him. Forgetting about what Error did to both of you, you felt the air in your lungs get forced out as you fall to the floor. You gasp for air laying there, blueberry jumped and hurried over to you, being more careful," [Y-Y/N]...! A-are you okay..?" He asked, you say up and nodded," yes.. I just wanted to check if your okay.. After..yea.." You mumbled showing blue the bandages, he looked back up at you and smiled slightly. Removing the useless old bandages he had on his head he threw them to the side, tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. There blueberry was with his right eye looking to be broken, a dark void laid there with a crack right on the top and bottom. You got as close as possible to wrap the bandage around his skull, luckily the crack didn't go to far or didn't break off. You finish and back up so that the strings didn't hurt you as much. Error had tied strings around both of you that would make you both go a certain distance from each other.


You smiled looking at blueberry, as you rubbed the bandages lightly, blueberry seems to feel happier as you do that."thank you [Y/N].." He muttered, You smile at this, something was tugging your soul slightly since the strings hurt you. " I'm sorry.. I think I gotta go.." You whispered continuing to comfort/pet blueberries head. He smiled and placed his gloved hand over yours on his head,"n-no..i-it's was mostly my fault..." He said looking down, his baby blue orb darkened as it looked like he didn't have any pupils. With a determined look you went ahead and gave blueberry a hug, a burning feeling around your soul and your body stings you, as if you felt like your soul was breaking apart. Blueberry, shocked but happy, tried to hug back. Pulling at his own strings as well. Tears poured down your face, your whole body burned with pain. You quickly pushed away, laying on the ground, as you were backing up the strings loosened.


You breath hastily, your [S/C] soul floated above you, why did error do this. He knew he did something wrong. If he really loved you,((If you love me let me, GOOOOOOOOOOOOO)) he would've let you be happy with your family and friends, or at least original sans and papyrus. They (*ahem* loved) cared for you, and you cared for them. Blueberry seemed to look at you with blank eyes.....eye... Or no eye.. You couldn't tell, you didn't see anything in his one eyesocket. Error just had to keep you two apart since he no longer trusts you to be alone with blueberry anymore. You felt the strings around your soul tug slightly, standing up you waved at Blueberry," sorry but I guess I gotta go...... I'll see you one day.... Bye blueberry.." You whispered walking away from him. You sighed as you continued to walk to where the strings pulled you. You wish you can help Blueberry.


Blueberry frowned seeing your form disappear, he held out his gloved hand," I..I wish you can stay..(with me, hah)" he whispered. You continued to walk away from blueberry, hearing his call you can wish for the same thing. But because of Error, you two have a limited amount of time together. You continued to walk the void of nothingness before you hear the same glitchy voice," Ah, so you've returned.. How..nice.." He said, you looked back at him. He held open arms for you, you can strike at him but that can cause you to get yourself killed. Wait a minute get yourself killed. The save points. You can reset like that! You felt a slight tug at the strings, you sighed and went over to Error, letting him engulf you in a hug. You didn't choose to hug back after what he did.


You sighed. Error was working on the alternate universes, probably blowing one up or something. At this point, you were hoping for death. Strands of your hair hung down in your face. Error still hadn't released you from the blue strings and its iron like grip. Wires were additionally tied around your wrists so if you magically slipped out of the hold, you wouldn't be able to make a suspicious move. Your knife itself had been taken away by Error. You had no clue where he hid it, but you did think he was still the lazy sans he was, so he might've put it in your room.


You closed your eyes, still trying to think of a good elaborate plan. When you opened your eyes, you jumped. Error was inches away from your face, a big smirk plastered on his face.  He chuckles,"You look so cute when you are helpless," He grinned. You turned your head the other way, not in the mood for any of the psychotic Glitch's bullshit. "Hey! Don't turn away from me! Don't you know how rude that is?" You continued to look away as Error starts to play by his own rules, he starts moving you closer to him by pulling at his fingers. "Error..," You sighed, glancing up at him, into his glitched multicoloured eyes. "Yes?" he answered, excitement in his voice.


You gathered all your confidence to hope your plan would work. "You are completely insane!" You yelled. Error started at you with a blank face, he glitched out slightly and crossed his arms. "I was not expecting that," He muttered, his eyes seemed to glare into your direction. He lifted his arm. You widened you're eyes, smiling on the inside. Was it going to work!? But you felt being lunged backwards. You felt yourself hit a wall falling back down to the ground. You coughed,' why would I think he would snap over a stupid little statement..' You thought seeing that you were being dragged. Error seemed to placed you into your room. You sighed. Starring at the ceiling. You'll have to try harder.


Hey guys, I hoped you all liked it and enjoyed this chapter. Thank you all for being very patient. And see no cliffhanger today. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do((not really because of poor blueberry :'(  *sigh* so sad...)) but yea.

Another thing I like to do is answer your guys questions. You you want to ask please do. Tell me if I'm missing something or if I should try one thing or the other. That'll be great, ask questions in the newest update and hopefully if not to personal, or spoiler enough(?) I'll be able to answer them as best I could.

I do not own undertale or you. Some artwork I'll show are mine but, most would probably be someone else's, I give credit!! Now the story I own, ok.

Thank you for reading , anyways comment, like, and share if you want to. I'm not forcing you.

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