[Glitch]A Small War

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small a/n•
Sorry for the inactivity. So many surprises! Woo! (Sometimes)This is gonna be a bit similar to the other story but only the beginning and a few other parts. Enjoy the story!!


[Y/N]  = your name
[H/C] = hair colour
[H/L] = hair length
[E/C] = eye colour
[S/C] = soul colour
[F/C] = favourite colour
[F/F] = favourite flavour
(I think dats it)


•Last time•

"Your turning into a glitch, and Error, just like me." He continues to laugh, gripping your arm you try to step back, resulting to only fall back since your leg has also glitched out. You take a look back at Error to see him looming over you.(not actually, you know he's like standing and yea whatever). He kneeled down and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him." And your never gonna be able to leave this place. Cause your stuck with me my love. Forever."

Blue berry watched in horror in the background as he was held by strings. He cried softly watching the scene play in front of him.


•This time•

You clenched your fist and with a strong punch you went and threw a punch at him, he moved back and just above there was the words,' MISS '. "Tsk tsk tsk. You shouldn't do that glitch. You don't want me to destroy you in the end, no?"
Error laughed. You growled lowly gathering as much spit in your mouth spitting on the ground in front of you as he got closer." I would rather die here than be with you! You took me away from my life!! You took me away from m-my friends!! You hurt me in more ways I could think of... and you expect me to fall in love with a psycho like you! After what you've done with me!" You cried tears as every word fell into place, Error stood there as every single word brought his smile to a frown.

Your body felt as if they were on fire, your sobs echoed and repeated, overlapping your own voice. Blueberry pushed against the force of the strings as he rushed over as each one of you stared at each other. Silence slowly filled the air as you all stared at each other. Until Error broke it((like anything else, eyy budum tch-! Yea I suck..))" Please [Y/N] I'm doing this because.. because I love you... I don't want you to leave.. not like all the hundreds and thousands of times...This was the only way you could've stayed here.. With me!" he muttered,  you blinked as you wipe your tears away. Starring at him with a questioned and disbelieved look," but I haven't met you befo-" Blueberry stepped in," A-Actually....[Y-Y/N].. he's right on this one... don't you remember all the other AU's...? We've met you from Underfell....Dancetale..Outertale and many more!" Blueberry stuttered, you glance back at both of them before looking down with wide eyes. They're right... No wonder Fell Sans looked at you with slight shock when meeting you, he was shocked to see you again..

A frown was brought upon your face, Error stepped forward for a hug but you quickly withdrew," I Won't forgive you for this Error... Not after what happened.." you snarled, shakily getting up and walking away. Blueberry stood close helping as much as he can. As he tried to reach for you, you pulled back. Not wanting to affect him in any way. You are corrupt. You are infected.


(Authors note)
(And then error killed blueberry and became a yandere the end, jkjk. Or am I joking??)

You walked and walked. It's not like there was anything you can do, your head fills with questions. Each one more important than the last. Starring down at your hands you thought. Are you dead? How will you go home? Would your friends still remember you? Would they accept you now? How is everyone back home? Who did Error meet in other timelines? What will you do next? It didn't take long before you stopped to think for a moment. Can you actually make portals like Error? You take a breather, swinging your hand out like spooderman," GO PORTAL!" after a brief moment. nothing happened. You blinked," uhhm.. portal.. appear..?" placing your hand onto the ground. Still. Nothing. You sighed before rubbing the floor softly like a puppy," please open a portal..?" lo and behold a portal suddenly opened up below you. With widened eyes you yelled loudly as you fell through as you held your arms tightly around your body. Noticing a change in gravity as you fall you open your eyes, gasping. You gaze upon stars to stars, looking to the side you manage to see a popup.



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Blinking starring at some of the gibberish on screen you can barely make out one single small word familiar to you. 



Hi, I'm not dead... uhhhhh hoped you all liked it and enjoyed this chapter. Uhhhh, I'm just dead. Don't even question why I'm starting to continue this fanfic from uhhh 3 years ago? Uhhhhh... Well I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it, meaning sorry for not finishing this a loooooong time ago...

I do not own undertale or you. Some artwork I'll show are mine but, most would probably be someone else's, I give credit!! Now the story I own, ok.

Thank you for reading , anyways comment, like, and share if you want to. I'm not forcing you.

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