The Line

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"You know I can see you right!?" Lady Luck stares intensely at her computer screen watching Aceblade hold a man up against the wall with his left hand as he takes his short-sword out of the sheath in the small of his back with his right. "I think he gets the point. He looks like he's going to pee himself." Aceblade doesn't answer. Instead, with one smooth motion, he adjusts the angle of his blade from holding it like a javelin to a fork, ready to pierce a thick slice of steak and slides the blade into the man's scruffy brown beard.

"Wait Wait I'm sorry man! I just needed the money! I'll do anything you say man!!!" The bearded criminal pleads for his like as he squirms to stretch his neck out as far away from the razor-sharp blade as possible. He presses his hands against the brick wall behind him, but can't more an inch more than Aceblade will allow him to.

"What are you DOING!?" Lady Luck screams as she sees the blade close in on the man's neck. "Don't KILL him!" Four men and two women lay in the street behind Aceblade, all unconscious or afraid to move. "You need to get out of there before the cops come!" Lady Luck tries her best to convince the hero that his job is done and that it's okay for him to leave but the Vegas Vigilante stays focused on the man only drawing the blade back slightly and angling the tip into the inside of his mandible.

"PLEASE! Don't kill me!" The man begs and squeezes his eyes shut as he stiffens like burnt toast.

"Please don't kill him Terrell!" Lady Luck's voice softens into a buttery beg. Her voice creaks like an old rocking chair and tempers to a whisper. "They are watching you. There are people watching you right now, you can't stoop to their level. You have to be better for those people behind you." The Vigilante tenses his muscles and it's over. A quick flip of the sword and impact to the man's jaw with the hilt of the small sword knocks him unconscious and Aceblade drops him to the ground as the crowd of cars and people honk and cheer in the street behind him. Aceblade turns, leaps onto The Chopper, starts it and screeched down the road toward his next destination without even a nod to his crowd of fanfare.

"Thank you." Lady Luck's soft voice bubbles in his earpiece as he races down the street.

"No" Aceblade finally breaks his silence. "Thank YOU." It's another victory for the Vegas vigilante. The day descends dutifully into darkness as Dusk arrives. Aceblade's conscience survives another day thanks to his heroine, Lady Luck.

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