"Yes I'll be there mom I just got off work and I'm jammed up in traffic" Matthew said as he honked his horn at another driver cutting him off on the road home.The heat was sweltering outside. It was another torturous and humidity filled summer day in New Orleans. Workers were gridlocked in traffic on the busiest road in the city headed home on a Friday afternoon.
"Yea I should be able to make it there in time if these idiots would drive like they've been in a car before" Matthew said shaking his head and slapping the wheel as sweat flew from the cuffs of his sweat infused dress shirt. Though his car was cooling him off previous to it he'd almost seemingly caught fire trying to find his car in the parking deck at his job.
"Wait hold on" he said taking the phone from his ear as a special report came over the car radio.
"If you see any suspicious activity please call the authorities. I repeat there's been a bomb threat called in for New Orleans. Homeland security is on high alert...." The reporter said urgently seemingly rattled but masking it at the news.
"Did you hear that mom? We may need to stay put when I get there with this threat out." Matthew continued as he could have sworn he heard a noise in the trunk of his car. At the same moment he noticed a man standing in the median of the road seemingly staring directly at him smiling and waving slowly. Matthew was a little creeped out by it before flicking the man off and continuing his conversation with his mother
"It's too hot for all of this..." Matthew said referring to whatever noise he heard in the trunk as he answered his mom asking what was wrong
"Nothing...nothing I thought I heard a beep or something in the trunk of the car and some weird dude waving at me in the median of the road like some weirdo..." he said glancing back at the man who was now walking through the slow moving traffic before responding to his mom again to end the call
"Yea I love you t...."KABOOOOM!!!!!! An explosion ripped through Matthew's car from the trunk blowing the tires off of the car and the trunk door off with it into the air. The cell phone flew into the air somewhere landing on the road hundreds of feet away from him as his mother screamed into her phone wondering what happened before flipping on the news.
The car erupting set off explosions of the other cars gridlocked in traffic with him causing a chain reaction on the road. Fire incinerated the scene as cars systematically erupted setting other cars around them on fire. Car parts were strewn throughout the road with charred bodies and fragments flying everywhere. Only the frames of some cars remained as it looked like a war zone descended all of a sudden in their midst in flaming glory.
As the fire blazed and some wounded survivors attempted to pull themselves from their cars; a man calmly walked through the midst of the fire toward where a news truck just pulled up a safe distance from the scene. He was dressed in a black and dark purple outfit with a strange pull over mask to match. The boots were black with purple soles and outlined. He also wore a solid black form fit short sleeved shirt on his toned physique with a seeming purple inkblot in the middle. The purple and black clad man reached the reporter clapping his hands as if to the roars of a crowd as Matthew's mother watched the scene from home in horror praying it wasn't her son in the midst of this madness.
"Glad to see you got my message...did you enjoy the show? I hope you caught it on camera and I didn't do all of this for nothing" the mysterious man said to the reporter. "The name is Chaos by the way" he said nodding his head as if tipping a hat like a cowboy.
Chaos had previously tipped off the news reporter where to be if he wanted the inside scoop of a lifetime. He convinced the reporter the story would be life altering and he would have the exclusive interview for it all. He was staring off at the carnage he'd taken credit for intently before the reporter broke his trance asking him
"Why? Why do this to all of these innocent people?"
Chaos looked at the reporter intensely with his stone blue eyes knifing into his soul answering
"I figured it would make the day go by faster." He said shrugging and seemingly smiling through his mask before continuing
"Do you suppose they're with Jesus now?" Chaos asked in a matter of fact manner as he pointed back toward the fire blazing behind him.
Screams were curdling out from the cars and surrounding citizens as if from a symphony of suffering, shock and awe. The carnage was unbelievable yet Chaos looked on and seemingly found the screams of the citizens soothing before taking a deep breath of the air of the mayhem enthralled scene and continuing
"You people take life for granted daily. In a way I'm doing you a favor. Am I really evil? Or am I an instrument placed to turn you toward thanksgiving? Many of you say you believe in some God...how is it I'm not considered a harbinger of your lack of gratitude? Why is your first assumption I'm guilty and all of these people are innocent? Who is to say I'm not the punishment for their sin? The yin to their yang...?" Chaos continued as his eyes widened looking more intense as he grabbed the reporters hand and started leading him forcefully toward the burning bodies and screams of his victims.
"If you believe or if they do, perhaps I'm here to help the unbelief among you; to show people their ways and the consequence of their inactions. This God I hear you people speak of and say so much you believe in... is this not the punishment he himself said would await those who won't believe?....who refuse to DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU?!!! And you ask ME WHY!?" Chaos said yelling now to match the intensity of the screams of the people almost tauntingly as police sirens rang out in the chaos of the scene.
"Perhaps now you will turn to one another and pray to your God. PERHAPS NOW YOU'LL UNITE AND LOOK PAST THE MINOR THINGS THAT SEPARATE YOU ALL! YOU HATE ONE ANOTHER DAILY FOR ECONOMIC STATUS, SKIN COLOR! GENDER...AGE... BUT I'M CRAZY? YOU WANT TO QUESTION MY METHODS?! THE RICH PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD OPPRESS, DIVIDE AND CONQUER YOU KILLING WHO THEY SEE FIT WITH THEIR LAWS AND INEQUITY AND YOU QUESTION ME!!!! NO!!!!!!" Chaos yelled with his voice just as loud as the roaring fire. He and the reporter were now just feet away from the people who had been screaming in agony as their pleas began to wane in death.
"I'M THE DERIVATIVE OF YOUR BIAS. THE CREATION OF YOUR NEGLECT AND AT ANY TIME, ANYWHERE I COULD ERUPT!!!... MAYBE I CAN TEACH YOU PEOPLE TO BE MORE GRATEFUL!!!" he screamed manically looking intensely into the news camera before continuing his tirade.
"CHAOS PURGES INGRATITUDE AND SINCE HUMANS HAVE NO SHORTAGE OF THAT TRAIT YOU CAN EXPECT FAR MORE OF THIS TO COME!!!!!!" Chaos screamed as the cop cars screeched their tires and shots rang out.As Chaos turned to run through the midst of the people surrounding the scene in horror he threw the news reporter into the fire before smiling wide and looking into the news camera saying
"I promised him this would be life altering... What's more life altering than death?" he said as he darted in between horrified bystanders and out of sight.
Chaos was coming, and now it seemed it would be up to LumberJax and Jax Axis to stop it all.
4th Wall Universe
AdventureEvery hero has a beginning and every villain was once a regular person... Well, most of them were, but you can find the pieces to their puzzles here.